(ANS - Rome) - The President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, has awarded, motu proprio, thirty-two honors of the Merit of the Italian Republic to citizens, male and female, who have distinguished themselves for acts of heroism, for their commitment to solidarity, in rescue efforts, in international cooperation, in the protection of minors, in the promotion of culture and legality, for activities in favor of social cohesion, integration, research and environmental protection. Among these positive models, the Head of State also rewarded Elisabetta Cipollone, who for years has been working together with the Salesian NGO "VIS - International Volunteering for Development" in the "Un Pozzo per Andrea" project, a water well for Andrea, in Ethiopia.
(ANS - Venaria Reale) - For the Progetto INSIEME (together), which sees "Salesiani per il Sociale APS" as the leading body of the project and whose objective is to prevent and contrast the phenomena of educational child poverty through an intervention on minors, families, teachers and territorial context, Dr. Daniela Rizzo, psychologist and psychotherapist, talks about the experience of "Genitori Insieme/Parents Together", a series of meetings that takes place in the Venaria Reale headquarters.
(ANS - Savona) – On Sunday 22 December, the 50th anniversary of Vera Grita's birth in heaven (1923-1969), the Supplex libellus, for the opening of the diocesan Inquiry on the life, virtues, fame of holiness and signs of Vera Grita, Laywoman, Salesian Cooperator, was officially presented by the Postulator General of the Causes of Saints of the Salesian Family, Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, to the bishop of Savona-Noli, Msgr. Calogero Marino.
Turin, Italy - December 2019 - The third meeting dedicated to the 2019/2020 Starters Course promoted by the Mission Animation of the Special Circumscription of Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta (ICP) was held in Valdocco on 15 December. The meeting was led by Sister Lidia Sordo, FMA, who brought her 23-year experience to land of missions in Tunisia and to the migrant office of the diocese of Turin. Fr Stefano Mondin, ICP Delegate for Youth Ministry, presented the principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church, a dialogue and discussion on the thoughts and actions of the Christian community in the social sphere, and some of the many initiatives of Youth Ministry in the field of integration, social promotion and job placement.
Rome, Italy - December 2019 - On December 18, at the church of the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS), the traditional Christmas Concert was held organized by the University Choir, with the participation of the Accademia degli Ostinati Orchestra, conducted by the Maestro Robert Andorka, the soprano Teresa Paz Román, the organist Filippo Sanjust and the choir pianist Leisbert A. Moreno Guillén. The concert, which saw a large participation of students, teachers and families, was also attended by the Ambassador of Slovenia Jakob Štunf, the Slovenian Ambassador emeritus, dr. Ivan Rebernik, a representative of the Embassy of Timor Leste, and dr. Massimo Gattamelata, emeritus Secretary General of the Vatican Foundation "Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice".
(ANS - Rome) – Giving a name to things means feeling it as one's own and sharing their value. For this reason, several halls, rooms and beautiful areas of the “Ministry of Education, Universities and Research” (MIUR), based in Rome, now have a name and surname. Several spaces, in fact, have been named after important figures of Italian history who have contributed to schools, education, pedagogy and research.
Chile – Former Salesian student in the fight against Alzheimer's disease
(ANS - Santiago) - Dr Nibaldo Inestrosa, graduate of the Salesian Institute in Valdivia and national prize of Natural Sciences winner, is a pioneer and expert in the study of Alzheimer's disease in the country. In this interview, he offers an insight into the current challenges, but not before reflecting on his formative experience at the Salesian Institute in Valdivia and how this influenced his interest in biology and science.
RMG – Don Bosco: “The Fascinating Saint”
(ANS - Rome) - Don Bosco is perhaps the most amazing and fascinating saint, history has ever produced. The humble work which he began for the welfare of his poor and abandoned boys in Italy has produced astonishing results, and today there are nearly 14000 Salesians working in 138 countries, and there are more than 200,000 members belonging to the 32 groups of the worldwide Salesian Family sharing the charism of Don Bosco and reaching out to the needy young people.
India – INS youth solemnise Don Bosco’s Feast Day with ‘Ka Sur Kynud S-3’ Grand Finale
(ANS – Shillong) – The Youth of St John Paul II, Shillong Province, celebrated the Feast Day of St. John Bosco with the Grand Finale of “Ka Sur Kynud, Season 3.” Organised by Don Bosco Media Network Television, the Social Communication Department of the Province, at Don Bosco Youth Centre, Laitumkhrah, Shillong, this two-month-long singing competition, which imitates the global singing competition The Voice, concluded on 31 January 2025, coinciding with the Solemnity of St John Bosco.
RMG - St. Francis de Sales Communicator: All for Love
(ANS – Rome) - The figure of St. Francis de Sales, chosen by Don Bosco as an example of a communicator, teaches that communication is a matter of the heart. In his expression, "Everything in the Church is love: everything lives in love, for love, and of love," we understand his revolution in the way of communicating, and how communication becomes fruitful when it allows communion and the exchange of one's experiences in a path of accompaniment and collaboration in God's project.
Fr Stefano Martoglio, SDBThe beginning of the new year is illuminated in our liturgy by the ancient formula with which the Israelite priests blessed the people: "May the Lord bless you, and keep you. May the Lord show His face to you, and have mercy on you. May the Lord turn His countenance to you, and give you peace."