The research focuses on Mgr. Louis Mathias SDB, the French Salesian missionary, highlighting his significant contribution to promoting an Indian clergy through the establishment of the Sacred Heart Seminary in Poonamallee, Chennai. The historical importance of this research, covering the period from 1935 to 1965, becomes clear when viewed within the broader post-World War II and post- colonial context, which led to the independence of numerous Afro-Asian countries and a subsequent call for indigenization at all levels, including ecclesiastical.
The book by Nicola Bottiglieri, "Magellan and Don Bosco Around the World: The Memory of Places" (LDC 2019), continues its journey around the world following its Spanish translation (Magallanes y Don Bosco alrededor del mundo. La memoria de los lugares – Ediciones Don Bosco, Argentina 2021). Now, it is also available in English (Paperback – January 21, 2025).
The aim of Reasoned paths of historiography for Salesian History (1971-2022) is twofold, viz., to provide researchers and scholars with a tool on the basis of which to formulate the status quaestionis of the subject under study, a condition that Ensures the scientific rigor of the work in progress; and offers to the world of knowledge and culture a scientifically elaborated production concerning the memory of the Salesian Family, which embraces the religious congregations founded by Don Bosco [The Society of St. Francis de Sales (today the Salesians of Don Bosco); The Institute of The Daughters of Mary Help of Christians; The Pious Union of The Salesian Cooperators (today The Association of Salesian Cooperators)] and the growth evidenced after his death thanks to the initiative of his spiritual children. […]
Parallels 15 and 20 is a new book by Fr Gildasio Mendes SDB, General Councillor for Social Communication. “It is my attempt to open one or more doors for dialogue with these people, through a more technical perspective on Don Bosco’s way of educating, as he designed his educational pedagogy” the author writes. This book does not offer a theological or religious interpretation: it is a text that seeks to define some variables based on Don Bosco’s phenomenological experience.