The document proposes to educate young people in the new virtual habitats, integrating social communication into the Salesian mission at the service of the Church. It also stems from the need to respond to the cultural and technological transformations that characterise the world of youth and the desire to update the Preventive System to the challenges of the present.
The text is closely linked to the Church's most recent documents on the digital, such as "Towards a Full Presence" and "Antiqua et Nova" on artificial intelligence, as well as Pope Francis' messages for the World Communications Days. The Salesian Congregation is thus committed to maintaining a constant dialogue between faith, science, the Gospel and youth culture. The Church itself, after the Synod on Young People, emphasised the importance of deepening the dynamics of the digital, asking us to "inhabit" these spaces in an evangelical way and to promote an authentic presence in the "digital streets".
Over the past 15 years, communication has undergone a revolution thanks to the development of the Internet, social media and information technology. In response, the new document evolves from the previous SSCS to address current needs.
Through the Magisterium of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis, the Church has broadened its vision of communication, integrating topics such as ethics on the Internet (Ethics in Internet), sustainability (Laudato Si'), fraternity (Fratelli Tutti) and global education (Global Education Pact).
The new text also responds to the requests that emerged from General Chapters 27 and 28, in particular the call to "live the Salesian sacrament of presence" and the need to inculturate the Salesian mission in the digital habitat.
The Salesian Congregation considers Social Communication a fundamental aspect of the educational and pastoral mission. This new document is designed to accompany young people in their digital worlds, helping them to discover the meaning of life, love and responsibility, and to build their personal project.
Starting from the values of the Gospel and the Preventive System, the document encourages a dialogue with the new generations, listening to their needs and seeking new languages to educate and evangelise.
The new text aims to be:
A practical guide for educators and lay people, in line with the Salesian tradition. A training tool that responds in Salesian style to socio-cultural changes. A support for youth ministry, integrating communication and evangelisation.
Furthermore, the document seeks to strengthen Salesian charismatic identity by promoting reflection on the use of digital technologies and artificial intelligence in the educational mission.
The Sector for Social Communication has worked in a network with delegates, editors, social media and radio managers to produce this document. An instrumentum laboris was drafted, integrating the proposals of these groups, while remaining faithful to the Salesian tradition and the values of the Magisterium of the Church.
The Salesian Congregation continues to strive to be present in the digital world as a ‘loving neighbour’, in line with the ecclesial vision of Pope Francis. The document encourages a conscious use of technology to address the educational and pastoral challenges of our time.
This new document represents an important step to update Salesian communication and make it ever more effective in the educational mission. With a style that combines tradition and innovation, it aims to be a valuable guide for educators, lay people and young people, helping them to live and bear witness to the Gospel even in digital spaces.
The text of the new document is available at the bottom of the page in Italian, English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.