Good to know
Don Bosco and the Cemetery of San Pietro in Vincoli in Turin
In the spring of 1845, Don Bosco had not yet found a permanent location for his oratory and the many boys who attended it. Having just left the Refuge founded by Marchioness Giulia di Barolo, he considered making the Cemetery of San Pietro in Vincoli in Turin the center of his activities.
Number of Catholics per Priest
The February 2025 issue of the Missionary Bulletin Cagliero 11 published a forum discussing the number of Catholics per priest (both diocesan and religious).
The number of persecuted Christians in the world is growing
The data of the new ‘World Watch List 2025’ report presented in recent weeks by the ‘Open Doors’ humanitarian organisation which has been working for seventy years in all places where Christianity is oppressed, are alarming: over 380 million Christians experience high levels of persecution.
2025, a special year, two extraordinary events
2025 will be a very important year, marked by the 150th anniversary of the first Salesian missionary expedition to Argentina, the first missionary land, and by the ecclesial event par excellence: the Jubilee.