Italy - Missionary Animation: third meeting of 2019/2020 Starters Course
Turin, Italy - December 2019 - The third meeting dedicated to the 2019/2020 Starters Course promoted by the Mission Animation of the Special Circumscription of Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta (ICP) was held in Valdocco on 15 December. The meeting was led by Sister Lidia Sordo, FMA, who brought her 23-year experience to land of missions in Tunisia and to the migrant office of the diocese of Turin. Fr Stefano Mondin, ICP Delegate for Youth Ministry, presented the principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church, a dialogue and discussion on the thoughts and actions of the Christian community in the social sphere, and some of the many initiatives of Youth Ministry in the field of integration, social promotion and job placement.
- Italy – Fr Francesco Cereda at Don Bosco feast in Novara
- Italy - Rector Major blesses chapel of Salesian community of Chieri
- Italy - IV meeting of 2019/2020 Mission Starters Course
- Italy - Don Bosco Casale Monferrato: Christmas in Harambée
- Italy - Diaconal Ordination of Salesian Michael Pagani
- Italy - Inauguration of 20th Nativity Scene Exhibition in Basilica of Mary Help of Christians
- Italy - Prayer Vigil of Salesian Family for Mamma Margaret
- Italy - Savio Club Weekend at Colle Don Bosco
- Italy - SYM Day: twinning with Aleppo Salesian oratory established
- Italy - First meeting of "Anima MGS"