(ANS – Vatican City) – As part of the General Audience on Wednesday, the participants in the course "Accompanying when trauma hits, 2024" were able to meet Pope Francis, thanks to the good work of Prof. Busnelli and Sister Alessandra Smerilli, who assured them a place of honour in the General Audience.
(ANS – Rome) – Body language when speaking in public or in front of the camera reveals the speaker's secrets. However, this statement should not be exaggerated. Yet, body posture can betray emotions, especially stress, fear of judgement by others, lack of concentration, or fear of public speaking. Certain gestures can confuse the listener and create invisible barriers. It is an aspect that cannot be overlooked when being prepared to be good communicators. It is, therefore, something that must be addressed in view of "Shaping Tomorrow", the 2024 Communication Conference, scheduled from 1 to 7 August 2024 at the Pontifical Salesian University (UPS) in Rome.
(ANS – Rome) – As the 2025 Jubilee approaches, the Salesians at the Catacombs of San Callisto retrace their history and highlight the activities they carry out in the city of Rome and in particular within the complex making up the Catacombs.
Turin, Italy – April 2024 - A meeting of those responsible for pre-novitiates from numerous European Provinces took place in Turin Valdocco on 22-23 April: Austria (AUS); Czech Republic (CEP); Croatia (CRO); Germany (GER); Central Circumscription Italy (ICC); Piedmont and Valle d 'Aosta District Italy (ICP); Lombard-Emilian Italy (ILE); North-East Italy (INE); Sicily Italy (ISI); four Provinces in Poland: Warsaw (PLE), Pila (PLN), Wroclaw (PLO) and Krakow (PLS); Slovenia (SLO); two Provinces in Spain: Mary Help of Christians (SMX) and Saint James they Greater (SSM), Hungary (UNG) and the Vice-Province of Malta (MLT). Fr Ivo Coelho, General Councillor for Formation, encouraged discussion on the journey of the Salesian Congregation in view of the next General Chapter and an in-depth study of the draft of the new Ratio Formationis. There was also a reflection coordinated by Fr Enrico Ponte, Novice Director at Colle Don Bosco, on the subject of the community dimension of the Salesian vocation in the desire to coordinate different approaches in the prenovitiate experience. In the exchange of different experiences, the desire emerged to be involved in the current challenges in the field of faith formation enlivened by Christian hope.
(ANS – Rome) – A series of pathways are presented to gain a deeper appreciation of the educational criteria proposed in the text "A youth ministry that educates to love” and strengthen some social and personal skills. The authors are General Councillor Fr Miguel Ángel García Morcuende, Antonella Sinagoga, psychotherapist and Monica Ronchi, psychologist.
(ANS – Roma) – The Salesian Rector Major, Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, will commence his visit to Valencia on 26 April 2024. This is an institutional program, part of the 125th anniversary celebrations of the Salesian Saint Anthony Abbot presence in Valencia, which will allow the 10th Successor of Don Bosco to get to know the work of the Salesians in the city up close.
Chile – Former Salesian student in the fight against Alzheimer's disease
(ANS - Santiago) - Dr Nibaldo Inestrosa, graduate of the Salesian Institute in Valdivia and national prize of Natural Sciences winner, is a pioneer and expert in the study of Alzheimer's disease in the country. In this interview, he offers an insight into the current challenges, but not before reflecting on his formative experience at the Salesian Institute in Valdivia and how this influenced his interest in biology and science.
RMG – Don Bosco: “The Fascinating Saint”
(ANS - Rome) - Don Bosco is perhaps the most amazing and fascinating saint, history has ever produced. The humble work which he began for the welfare of his poor and abandoned boys in Italy has produced astonishing results, and today there are nearly 14000 Salesians working in 138 countries, and there are more than 200,000 members belonging to the 32 groups of the worldwide Salesian Family sharing the charism of Don Bosco and reaching out to the needy young people.
India – INS youth solemnise Don Bosco’s Feast Day with ‘Ka Sur Kynud S-3’ Grand Finale
(ANS – Shillong) – The Youth of St John Paul II, Shillong Province, celebrated the Feast Day of St. John Bosco with the Grand Finale of “Ka Sur Kynud, Season 3.” Organised by Don Bosco Media Network Television, the Social Communication Department of the Province, at Don Bosco Youth Centre, Laitumkhrah, Shillong, this two-month-long singing competition, which imitates the global singing competition The Voice, concluded on 31 January 2025, coinciding with the Solemnity of St John Bosco.
United States – CATHOLIC WORLD DAY OF THE SICK: Salesian Missions highlights medical programs for people in need around the globe
(ANS – New Rochelle) – Salesian Missions, the U.S. development arm of the Salesians of Don Bosco, joins Catholic organizations around the globe in honoring the Catholic World Day of the Sick. Every year on Feb. 11, the Pope marks the day with a special message calling for spiritual and physical closeness to all those who are ill. Saint John Paul II instituted the day “to encourage the people of God, Catholic health institutions and civil society to be increasingly attentive to the sick and to those who care for them.”
Fr Stefano Martoglio, SDBThe beginning of the new year is illuminated in our liturgy by the ancient formula with which the Israelite priests blessed the people: "May the Lord bless you, and keep you. May the Lord show His face to you, and have mercy on you. May the Lord turn His countenance to you, and give you peace."