Italy - European Meeting of people responsible for pre-novitiates

24 April 2024

Turin, Italy – April 2024 - A meeting of those responsible for pre-novitiates from numerous European Provinces took place in Turin Valdocco on 22-23 April: Austria (AUS); Czech Republic (CEP); Croatia (CRO); Germany (GER); Central Circumscription Italy (ICC);  Piedmont and Valle d 'Aosta District Italy (ICP); Lombard-Emilian Italy (ILE); North-East Italy (INE); Sicily Italy (ISI); four Provinces in Poland: Warsaw (PLE), Pila (PLN), Wroclaw (PLO) and Krakow (PLS); Slovenia (SLO); two Provinces in Spain: Mary Help of Christians (SMX) and Saint James  they Greater (SSM), Hungary (UNG) and the Vice-Province of Malta (MLT). Fr Ivo Coelho, General Councillor for Formation, encouraged discussion on the journey of the Salesian Congregation in view of the next General Chapter and an in-depth study of the draft of the new Ratio Formationis. There was also a reflection coordinated by Fr Enrico Ponte, Novice Director at Colle Don Bosco, on the subject of the community dimension of the Salesian vocation in the desire to coordinate different approaches in the prenovitiate experience. In the exchange of different experiences, the desire emerged to be involved in the current challenges in the field of faith formation enlivened by Christian hope.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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