RMG – The Youth Ministry Sector publishes “EDUCATIONAL PATHWAYS” for a Youth Ministry that educates to love

23 April 2024

(ANS – Rome) – A series of pathways are presented to gain a deeper appreciation of the educational criteria proposed in the text "A youth ministry that educates to love” and strengthen some social and personal skills. The authors are General Councillor Fr Miguel Ángel García Morcuende, Antonella Sinagoga, psychotherapist and Monica Ronchi, psychologist.

By educational pathway we mean a path of pedagogical activity, a structured and methodological process that creates meaningful learning experiences that actively involve people, allowing them to strengthen or acquire new skills (relational, emotional, cognitive) in a practical way applicable to everyday life.

Each pathway offers a detailed guide through criteria, processes and rules to achieve the proposed objectives. The proposed methodology focuses on the concrete experience of people and their environment, placing action, active participation and direct involvement at the centre of the learning experience. Participants are not seen as passive recipients, but as subjects capable of monitoring and planning their own learning.

Starting from observation and ending with the ability to connect with one's own experience and that of others, these paths allow you to form some personal relational, emotional and cognitive skills and abilities.

 Specifically, there are 10 UNITS FOR 10 EDUCATIONAL CRITERIA (see A youth ministry that educates in love) containing guidelines for educators and operational (or work) cards for children and young people who explore the issues through: Videos/Short Films, Songs/Music/Meditations/Relaxation Techniques, Tests/Quiz/Stimulus Phrases, Poems/Stories/Diaries/Rhymes.

Each unit is composed of an educational criterion extracted from the book A youth ministry that educates to love, a biblical figure that recalls some characteristics of the theme, the objectives and two paths.

 Among the objectives is to explore the contents of "A youth ministry that educates to love" with and for young people, but also to increase the ability to live emotions and relationships in a conscious and respectful way for oneself and others, encouraging the expression of affectivity in interpersonal relationships. In this regard, it is important to improve relational and emotional skills (life skills) and promote discussion and reflection on models, values and choices that have to do with relationships, affectivity and sexuality.

The pathways are available at the bottom of the page, in Italian and translated into English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, in digital version, printable.



ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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