(ANS - Vatican City) - On the occasion of the opening of the Salesian Family Spirituality Days, we publish the preface by the Holy Father to the volume edited by Antonio Carriero, SDB, "Evangelii gaudium con don Bosco", a text in which the Salesian Family takes up the message of the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis from a pastoral educational point of view.
(ANS - Vientiane) - From 2004 to today over 1000 young people from every corner of the People's Democratic Republic of Laos have received a good education and formation useful for life thanks to the "Don Bosco" Vocational Training Center (CFP) in Vientiane, the capital of the country. As the Director, Fr Patrizio Maccioni, illustrates, the center is the only Salesian presence in Laos, and began in 2004, thanks to the zeal of Fr Tito Pedron.
(ANS - Brasilia) - At the end of each year, since the time of Don Bosco, the Rector Major of the Salesians performs a ritual, the delivery of the “Strenna” to the Mother General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, that is, a text that develops the theme that will guide the reflections and actions of the Salesian Family in the following year. The Strenna is always a challenge. It is rooted in Salesian spirituality and touches on issues of society and of the Church of today. For this 2019 the Strenna presents a very current and valid challenge: "Holiness for you too".
(ANS - Madrid) - Salesian missionaries work in 136 countries on five continents and these days they have shared the joy of the birth of Jesus with minors, young people and their families, especially with the most disadvantaged and vulnerable, with whom they share their daily lives.