(ANS - Rome) - The Pope is first of all a bishop, the bishop of the diocese of Rome. Yesterday, as a pastor, he met the parish priests of his diocese, for the traditional appointment at the beginning of Lent, and gave useful indications for all Christians in this journey of approach to Easter.
(ANS - Paris) - "Which Salesians for the young people of today?" is the question that will guide the next General Chapter of the Salesian Congregation. To answer, it is good to listen carefully to young people first, to get to know them in depth. This is what the Salesians of the France-South Belgium Province (FRB) proposed to do with their "52 words" project.
(ANS – Davao) – As the second largest island of the Philippines, Mindanao main island with adjacent islands makes up 97.530 km2 with 25 million people. It is a multi-religion and multi-cultural population, with a majority of Catholic Christians, and minorities of Muslim and Animist religions. The evangelisation of Mindanao goes back to the 16th century and in the whole country the vibrant lay-driven Catholic communities are well known for their well animated Basic Ecclesial Communities and numerous priestly and religious vocations.
(ANS - Sikasso) - "I met Father César in August 1992, when he had just arrived at the Salesian novitiate in Lomé, in Togo. He himself, as a Novice Master, came to see me at the airport. I was struck by his physical appearance: thin, athletic, he had a very simple suit and was always wearing sandals. His first words of welcome were sweet and warm, accompanied by a beautiful smile and an attentive gaze."