The prayerful reading of Scripture, a constant and genuine sacramental life, and prayer as a direct dialogue with God allowed him to surrender with full trust to Divine Providence, prompting him to undertake ventures that seemed unreasonable to many, including numerous churchmen. However, these initiatives transformed the lives of thousands of young people in his time and gave rise to an educational system that, over the years, has educated, evangelized, and socially promoted millions of young people worldwide.
To pay tribute to what Don Bosco was in life and his ongoing role as a model of commitment for youth, starting from today and leading up to his feast on January 31, ANS will publish two articles every day exploring these two closely intertwined aspects of Salesian spirituality.
Each day, a shrine dedicated to Don Bosco will be presented, a place that promotes spirituality and prayer, directly inspired by his figure of holiness.
At the same time, each day will also illustrate a development project carried out by one of the Salesian social works, one of those centers that continues Don Bosco's mission dedicated to the most vulnerable and youth at-risk.
With an open gaze towards the five continents and all latitudes of the globe, we will have the opportunity to know and learn about some of the most beautiful examples of how this dual Salesian and Don Bosco nature translates into intertwining spiritual life and active engagement.