Nairobi, Kenya - July 2017 - On July 29, a Laboratory for Solar and Electrical Technology was inaugurated at the “Don Bosco Boys' Town” Technical Institute in Nairobi, the result of an agreement between the Institute and the “Schneider Electric Foundation." The agreement includes the complete restructuring of existing plants, equipment and consumables, staff training on solar technology and on curriculum development tailored to meeting the needs of local youth and of industry. Attending the inaugural ceremony: the local community, Fr. Gianni Rolandi, who will be leaving his post as Africa East Provincial (AFE); Fr Simon Asira Lipuku, the new AFE Provincial appointed by the Rector Major and his Council; French Ambassador, Antoine Sivan; and Schneider Electric CEO, Jean-Pascal Tricoire.
Rome, Italy - August 2017 - With the official photo taken on 3 August, the Team Visit to the Mediterranean Region is coming to an end. Among the last topics discussed during the August 2 meeting was “Initial and Permanent Training”, presented by Fr Ivo Coelho, General Director for Education, and Fr. Francisco Santos; the meeting concluded with Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime's guidelines.
Kigali, Rwanda - July 2017 - From 18 to 20 July, in the Vice Province of Africa Great Lakes (AGL) an ongoing training session for Salesians, members of the Salesian Family and various lay collaborators took place on the theme of "Starting again from Don Bosco in order to live his charism in our apostolic mission of today." The workshops were animated by Colette Schaumont, head of the Salesian formation center of Oud-Heverlee, Northern Belgium and the Netherlands. Each session focussed on reviving the participants' consciousness of being part of a "family", an "educational and pastoral community," with the invitation to engage "in unison" as Salesians and lay people, and to live "communion and sharing in the spirit and mission of Don Bosco."
Brussels, Belgium - July 2017 – Taking place on July 30 was the inauguration ceremony of the new Provincial of the Province of Northern Belgium and the Netherlands (BEN), Fr Wilfried Wambeke. Set in the parish of San Domenico Savio, near Brussels, the ceremony was chaired by Fr Tadeusz Rozmus, Councilor for the Central and Northern Europe Region, in the presence of ecclesiastical authorities and numerous Salesians from Belgium and Holland.
New Rochelle, United States - July 2017 - The new Provincial of the Salesian Province of the United States of America East and Canada, Fr Timothy Zak took office on 29 July with a ceremony attended by Fr. Timothy Ploch, Councilor for the Interamerica Region, Fr Fabio Attard, General Councilor for Youth Ministry, Fr Guillermo Basañes, General Counsel for Missions, plus over 100 Salesians, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Salesian Cooperators, and other members of the Salesian Family.
Rome, Italy - August 2017 - Yesterday, August 1, the work concerning the Team Visit to the Mediterranean Region continued with the General Economer, Jean-Paul Muller, who discussed the subjects: economy, sustainability, solidarity. Next on the agenda: thematic presentations, group work, return of groups to the assembly and, finally, words by the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime. In the afternoon, speakers included the Councilor for Social Communication, Fr Filiberto González and Fr Eusebio Muñoz on the Salesian Family. There were a number of proposal for reflection, question and answer sessions for group work, again the assembly, and the closing address of the Rector Major with, as always, a summary of the day's contents, plus steps taken and to be taken with reflections for all, as in the Salesian tradition, during the "Goodnight" speech. Fr Stefano Martoglio, Councilor for the Mediterranean Region, summarized yesterday's work as "very profitable, beautiful, rich, an interesting and profound discussion with confreres, thoughts n that look ahead with questions about yesterday's three issues: the economy, social communication and, then, the care and animation of the Salesian Family, another splendid topic."