(ANS - Rome) - The formators of the Salesian Provinces of the Salesian Regions Interamerica and America South Cone are meeting online from Monday 13 until tomorrow, Thursday 16 September, to discuss the topic of the profile of the formator and the Salesian formation houses. The work is chaired by the General Councilor for Formation, Fr Ivo Coelho.
(ANS - Rome) - In the document "Post-Chapter Reflections" that the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, delivered to the Congregation, the fourth action plan develops the theme: "Formation to be SALESIAN PASTORS TODAY". Starting from today, the fourth video of the series “It's time for Chapter 28” is available online, in which Fr Á.F. Artime briefly illustrates just what all this means.
(ANS - Rome) - At 7 am today, 15 September, Ángel Fernández Fernández, the father of our Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, breathed his last after a long illness. Born in Luanco, Asturias, Spain, on 12 June 1932, he passed away after 89 years of life and 61 years of marriage, by the side of his mother Isabel Artime.
Rome, RMG - September 2021 - Fr Stefano Vanoli, Secretary General of the Salesian Congregation, gathered the Portuguese-speaking Provincial Secretaries for an orientation and formation meeting on 11 September. Full use of the administrative web portal and the statistical data platform would characterize the work of the Secretariats throughout the Salesian world for the future. The concept of sustainability and new forms of communication motivate these changes and adaptations which have been necessitated by the times.
Rome, RMG - September 2021 - The online meeting of the Provincial Delegates for Youth Ministry of the America South Cone and Interamerica Regions began on 13 September, led by Fr Miguel Ángel Garcia Morcuende, General Councilor for Youth Ministry. The four-day meeting is divided into the themes "Youth Ministry and Family"; “The parishes and shrines entrusted to the Salesians”; "SYM and International Congress of Social Works and Services 2022"; “Current experiences of the Formation Sector of each Region”; “Formation and Accompaniment of the Apostolic Dimension”; “Salesian America School and Network of Vocational Training Centers”, and “School of Delegates”. The General Councilor for Formation also drew the attention of the Provincial Delegates to the educational and pastoral criteria adopted in every aspect and educational process of the Salesian presence.
(ANS – Rome) – After a long and involved preparation since January 2020, the Second EAO ADMA Congress, the first online, was a true rich and inspiring charismatic experience. On 11-12 September, for 3 hours each day, several hundred ADMA members, their spiritual animators SDB and FMA, SDB Provincials, young Salesians in formation and other members of the Salesian Family came together to pray, deepen their identity, interact and get to know each other better.
RMG - Preparation, objectives, challenges and perspectives of GC29: in dialogue with the Moderator, Fr Alphonse Owoudou
(ANS - RMG) - Just a few days before the beginning of the 29th General Chapter (GC29) of the Salesian Congregation, Fr Alphonse Owoudou, Councillor for the Africa-Madagascar Region and Moderator of GC29, recounts in detail, through an articulate interview, the work preceding and underlying this responsibility, indicating the spirit that will animate it and the attitudes and conditions to make it truly a Cenacle in which the Holy Spirit can act, for the benefit of the Congregation, the Salesian mission and the youth of the world.
RMG – Don Bosco: “The Fascinating Saint”
(ANS - Rome) - Don Bosco is perhaps the most amazing and fascinating saint, history has ever produced. The humble work which he began for the welfare of his poor and abandoned boys in Italy has produced astonishing results, and today there are nearly 14000 Salesians working in 138 countries, and there are more than 200,000 members belonging to the 32 groups of the worldwide Salesian Family sharing the charism of Don Bosco and reaching out to the needy young people.
Spain – 33rd Edition of the Edebé Prize for Children's and Young Adult Literature: Here Are the Winners
(ANS – Madrid) – The 33rd edition of the Edebé Prize for Children's and Young Adult Literature has been awarded to Beatriz Giménez de Ory (Madrid, 1972) for her novel Tres niños tristes y medio unicornio (Three Sad Children and Half a Unicorn) and David Lozano (Zaragoza, 1974) for his novel La cacería (The Hunt).
United States – CATHOLIC WORLD DAY OF THE SICK: Salesian Missions highlights medical programs for people in need around the globe
(ANS – New Rochelle) – Salesian Missions, the U.S. development arm of the Salesians of Don Bosco, joins Catholic organizations around the globe in honoring the Catholic World Day of the Sick. Every year on Feb. 11, the Pope marks the day with a special message calling for spiritual and physical closeness to all those who are ill. Saint John Paul II instituted the day “to encourage the people of God, Catholic health institutions and civil society to be increasingly attentive to the sick and to those who care for them.”
During this Jubilee year, in this difficult world, we are invited to rise up, set out again, and, in newness of life, make our journey as human beings and believers.