RMG – Less than two weeks to the 155th Salesian Missionary Expedition

(ANS – Rome) – Waiting is growing in the Salesian world for the renewal this year ...

India – Salesian priest is honoured in Siliguri

Siliguri, India - September 2024 - A group of young professionals from Siliguri celebrated this ...

Mexico – Visit of the Vicar of the Rector Major to MEM Province

(ANS – Mexico City) – From 11 to 18 September 2024, Fr Stefano Martoglio, Vicar of ...

Spain – Ciutadella's Salesian work celebrates its 125th anniversary

Ciutadella, Spain – September 2024 – The Salesian work in Ciutadella celebrates its ...

Brazil – UniSALESIANO brings technological innovation and Salesian values to the Rodeio Show Expo ...

Araçatuba, Brazil – September 2024 - For the third consecutive year, UniSALESIANO is ...

Italy – The chapel of the relics at the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Turin celebrates 90 ...

(ANS – Turin) – Again this year, on 14 September, on the occasion of the ...

Germany – Passing on the baton: Don Bosco Mondo has a new board of directors

(ANS – Bonn) – 12 September 2024 - Don Bosco Mondo has a new full-time board of ...

(ANS – Rome) – August 6th, 2024 - The Shaping Tomorrow Communication Conference in Rome dedicated several sessions this morning on the rising influence of mobile journalism, showcasing the power of video storytelling through the lens of a smartphone.

(ANS – Rome) - At the "Shaping Tomorrow" Communication Conference, Laura Wagner-Meyer, Program Manager at Seen TV, shared her insights on effectively engaging Generation Z audiences. As a model, fashion designer, and advocate for the differently-abled, Wagner-Meyer's personal journey has informed Seen TV's mission to amplify underrepresented voices and foster greater empathy.

Rome, Italy - 4 August 2024 - It was a day of cultural immersion for the participants of the "Shaping Tomorrow" Communication Conference as they embarked on an exhilarating exploration of the rich history and vibrant religious sites of Rome. The day began with a visit to St. Peter's Square, where the group witnessed the profound experience of receiving the Angelus blessing from Pope Francis himself during the Sunday Angelus at the Vatican. Seeing the Pope appear at the window was a deeply moving moment for everyone. The group then embarked on a guided tour of Rome's iconic landmarks, including the grandeur of St. Peter's Basilica, the architectural marvel of the Pantheon, the historic Castel Sant'Angelo, and the lively Piazza Navona. More than just a sightseeing excursion, this outing was a day filled with fun, joy, and meaningful interactions. As the participants marveled at the architectural wonders and absorbed the historical significance of each site, they were not merely observing – they were actively engaging with the city's rich cultural heritage. The day fostered a sense of learning, cultural exchange, and a strong community among the conference attendees, making it a truly memorable part of the media event. This Roman adventure was not just a day of sightseeing, but a deeply enriching experience that allowed the participants to immerse themselves in the timeless beauty and captivating history of the Eternal City. The memories of this journey will undoubtedly linger, serving as a testament to the power of cultural exploration and the value of shared experiences.

(ANS - Rome) - On August 5, 2024, the fifth day of the "Shaping Tomorrow" Communication Conference, two interesting sessions were held on "Communicating with Gen Z and Alpha in Society and in the Church."

Rome, Italy - August 2024 - A compelling testimony on the communication of the three most recent pontificates (John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis) rounded off the morning of the fifth day of the World Communication Conference "Shaping Tomorrow". The speaker was Vaticanist Valentina Alazraki, who has been closely following the Popes since 1978. Alazarki highlighted the great media openings of Pope John Paul II, from his first greeting on the day of his election to the free display of his physical decline, through the countless public gestures he made that were perfectly 'newsworthy' for the media. The pontificate of Benedict XVI was then examined, a Pope with a great human trait and a profound word, but often misunderstood or even attacked by the media, due to prejudices towards the 'Theologian Pope', to the more shy and reserved nature of the Bavarian Pope, and to a different management of the communication dynamics of that period. Lastly, the communicative novelty brought by Pope Francis, with his search for direct and personal contact with the people and his unexpected and spontaneous gestures, amidst related challenges and opportunities, was also explored. In conclusion, the speaker emphasised how in all three Popes the Holy Spirit was seen in action: “all three different, each with his own charisma, but all united in the service of the Church”.

(ANS - Rome) - Sunday, 4 August 2024, the fourth day of the "Shaping Tomorrow" Worldwide Communication Conference, commenced with a special celebration of the Sunday Holy Eucharist.

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  • Myanmar – Tragedy of Innocent Children in the midst of Armed Conflicts

    (ANS – Naypyidaw) - Myanmar finds itself immersed in profound grief and anguish as innocent lives, particularly those of children, continue to be mercilessly lost in the enduring armed conflicts. Families are left devastated by the tragic loss of their loved ones while the relentless violence shows no signs of abating. This week, a heartfelt plea from Myanmar reached our community, shedding light on the heart-wrenching death of a young girl Juliet in a military airstrike, prompting a unified call for prayers and action.



  • RMG – 100 years of Salesian holiness in the shadow of Mary: 8 September 2024 in Slovenia and Slovakia

    (ANS – Rome) – Don Bosco was a great lover of Our Lady and the "thread" of her strong and discreet presence as a mother, teacher and helper, never failed for each of her children. It is therefore not surprising that so much Salesian holiness is also interwoven with very deep bonds with Mary: every Servant of God, every Blessed and Saint of the Salesian Family has a special, sometimes all-encompassing bond with her, as it was for Fr Silvio Galli, SDB, or Sister Antonietta Böhm, FMA. This 2024 is also marked by two anniversaries directly connected to some figures of Salesian holiness: those of the Shrine of Mary Help of Christians in Raknovik, Ljubljana, consecrated on 8 September 1924, and that of the arrival in 1924 of the Salesians at the national Marian Shrine in Šaštín, Slovakia, dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows.


  • On WINGS of HOPE


    While continuing my service as Vicar in the coming months, quietly, very simply, and completely in continuity, I’ll replace the Rector Major in leading the Congregation to the General Chapter, the 29th, in February 2025.

Video EN


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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