Italy - Shaping Tomorrow: internal and external communication in the Church - the three Popes
Rome, Italy - August 2024 - A compelling testimony on the communication of the three most recent pontificates (John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis) rounded off the morning of the fifth day of the World Communication Conference "Shaping Tomorrow". The speaker was Vaticanist Valentina Alazraki, who has been closely following the Popes since 1978. Alazarki highlighted the great media openings of Pope John Paul II, from his first greeting on the day of his election to the free display of his physical decline, through the countless public gestures he made that were perfectly 'newsworthy' for the media. The pontificate of Benedict XVI was then examined, a Pope with a great human trait and a profound word, but often misunderstood or even attacked by the media, due to prejudices towards the 'Theologian Pope', to the more shy and reserved nature of the Bavarian Pope, and to a different management of the communication dynamics of that period. Lastly, the communicative novelty brought by Pope Francis, with his search for direct and personal contact with the people and his unexpected and spontaneous gestures, amidst related challenges and opportunities, was also explored. In conclusion, the speaker emphasised how in all three Popes the Holy Spirit was seen in action: “all three different, each with his own charisma, but all united in the service of the Church”.
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- Italy – "Shaping Tomorrow": Communication with Migrants and Refugees
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- Italy – Opening of the 2024 World Communication Convention "Shaping Tomorrow"