India – Annual seminar at the Salesian Institute of Philosophy in Divyadaan "Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Don Bosco's Dream at nine years of age"

16 September 2024

Nashik, India – In order to celebrate the bicentennial of Don Bosco's childhood dream (1824-2024), on 12 and 13 September the Dibyadaan Salesian Institute of Philosophy  in Nashik hosted its annual seminar, on "Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Don Bosco's Dream at Nine Years of Age". The seminar included contributions from 10 eminent speakers who offered different perspectives on Don Bosco's dream, thus providing a deeper and broader understanding of the dream and its implications. The seminar was attended by Salesians, Sisters and Salesian novices together with members of the Salesian Family and members of the Salesian Youth Movement. The program began with the words of welcome from Fr Robert Pen, Rector and Dean of the institute, followed by an introductory speech by Fr Maria Anthuvan Tharsis, who contextualised Don Bosco's dream and clarified the purpose of the seminar. The speakers' speeches followed. The seminar ended with a round table that allowed participants to ask questions, seek clarification and express their intuitions. The entire event was streamed live for the benefit of those who could not attend in person.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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