Myanmar – Tragedy of Innocent Children in the midst of Armed Conflicts

15 April 2024

(ANS – Naypyidaw) - Myanmar finds itself immersed in profound grief and anguish as innocent lives, particularly those of children, continue to be mercilessly lost in the enduring armed conflicts. Families are left devastated by the tragic loss of their loved ones while the relentless violence shows no signs of abating. This week, a heartfelt plea from Myanmar reached our community, shedding light on the heart-wrenching death of a young girl Juliet in a military airstrike, prompting a unified call for prayers and action.

The unimaginable pain experienced by the girl's family serves as a stark reminder of the immense turmoil endured by countless others trapped amid armed conflicts. It highlights the desperate yearning for peace and tranquility, a fundamental right that should be enjoyed by all nations. Our hearts weigh heavy, particularly for the children and youth in Myanmar, Gaza, Ukraine, Syria, Western Sahara, South Sudan, and other countries that bear the burden of approximately 110 ongoing armed conflicts across the globe. The unimaginable fear faced by these individuals compels us to advocate for peace and healing in these troubled regions.

May wisdom, humanity, and compassion permeate the hearts of those who perpetuate these conflicts, recognizing that armed warfare only exacerbates suffering and diminishes our shared humanity. History has taught us countless lessons, demonstrating that no tyranny can endure indefinitely and that vengeance begets further vengeance. In unified solidarity, we offer prayers dedicated to the pure and innocent spirit of this young girl and all children whose lives have been tragically cut short, stripped of their innocence by the self-serving ambitions of adults focused solely on their own interests. We fervently pray for a transformative change within those who wield weapons against the defenseless, that they may realize the futility of their actions and actively strive for peace and genuine transformation.

The devastating consequences of war require centuries to rebuild what took centuries to construct. Peace stands as the ultimate remedy, the sole solution capable of nurturing hope, unity, dignity, and love. Our solidarity extends to Juliet, her grieving family, and the countless other children who have lost their lives. We stand united in prayer for all children who endure the horrors of war in various corners of the world. May peace become a tangible reality embraced by all.



ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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