As seeing him who is invisible

13 September 2024

At the end of the celebrations of the Bicentennial of Don Bosco's "Dream at nine years of age", this book aims to explore this dream in the light of a second dream, which the by then young priest had in 1844. Evidently, for a child, a dream, even if revealed by God, is not easy to assimilate and understand quickly.

This dream, in fact, would be interpreted gradually and would find confirmation during all his life experiences proving the facts mentioned in the dream and in the gradualness of events.

But when did Don Bosco explicitly and experientially make this dream his own? From 1844 to 1846, he had an intense continuous pilgrimage, not without suffering, looking for a place for his young people in Turin, to fulfil in practice what was glimpsed in the dream. It is, therefore, in the adult Don Bosco that the dream becomes life, reality, experience. By personally experiencing this search for a place to live and welcome his young people, he develops and integrates the value of hospitality into his life, spirituality and educational practice.

"The originality of the approach is found in this reinterpretation of Don Bosco starting from his two dreams, the one when he was nine years old (1824) and when he was a young priest (1844), as a real or proper pilgrimage, similar to Moses in search of the ‘promised land’; walking in the darkness supported by faith and therefore ‘as seeing him who is invisible’".

Editrice Elledici, 80 pages


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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