(ANS – New Rochelle) – Nearly 15,000 Salesian priests, brothers, and novices are working in more than 130 countries around the globe bringing education, workforce development, and social programs to poor youth and their families. They work in some of the most challenging circumstances and are among the first to respond during humanitarian crises or natural disasters. On the occasion of World Day of the Poor, celebrated yesterday, Nov. 13, 2022, for the sixth time since it was established by Pope Francis, “Salesian Missions”, the U.S. development arm of the Salesians of Don Bosco, highlights unique educational and social programs that are helping poor and at-risk youth meet their basic needs, receive an education, and find a path out of poverty, bringing them hope for the future.
(ANS – Rome) – This November 11 the General Councillor for Missions, Fr. Alfred Maravilla, comments on the theme for this year’s Salesian Mission Day Celebration.
(ANS - Rome) - The International Congress of Salesian Works and Social Services was held from September 28 to October 2 in Turin-Valdocco, an important moment of reflection and sharing of the experiences matured by the Salesian Congregation in this sector, and whose objective was to strengthen the charismatic identity of pastoral action in this field. A few weeks after that appointment, the Sector for Youth Ministry, which promoted and coordinated the whole activity and which daily accompanies the work of Salesian Works and Social Services, shares the conclusions that matured after those five days of intense work, great participation, and much Salesian commitment.
(ANS - Rome) - Continuing the publication of the new series of articles by Fr. Gildasio Mendes, General Councilor for Social Communication, on the theme "Educating and Evangelizing Today in the Digital Habitat. Together with young people, toward the future," the third contribution is presented today, which aims to explore the important challenges emerging in this new digital landscape.