(ANS - Rome) - With the same desire as the Youth Saint to meet young people where they actually are, the General Councilor for Social Communication begins a new series of reflections, dedicated in this case to exploring the theme, "Educating and Evangelizing Today in the Digital Habitat. Together with young people, towards the future." Today we publish the first contribution.
(ANS – New Rochelle) – Salesian Missions, the U.S. development arm of the Salesians of Don Bosco, joins humanitarian organizations and countries around the globe in recognizing International Youth Day. Celebrated each year on Aug. 12, International Youth Day was established by the United Nations to raise awareness of issues affecting young people around the world.
(ANS - Zarate) - At the Salesian work in Zarate, the "Hogar de Cristo" center welcomes people who want to detoxify from addiction. And they repair the pain in their lives by serving others.
(ANS – Rome) - The culture of the internet and social media are the soil where human beings are exposed to self-development, self-perception and a sense of the other.