(ANS - Rome) - St. John Bosco, a communicator saint, was also himself the object of media attention: proof also comes from the numerous photos that were taken of him, at a time when it was already uncommon to be the object of a single shot, let alone many. Of Don Bosco, the first saint in history to be photographed, on the other hand, there are many photos, as many as 42. Among his contemporaries, only Garibaldi and the first King of Italy, Victor Emmanuel II, had more. But such a large number of photos, coupled with the still primordial techniques of the photographic instrument, have led to the emergence of various faces of Don Bosco, not all of them perfectly corresponding to each other: what then, is the real face of Don Bosco?
RMG - The Don Bosco oratory in Valdocco: virtual reality and "immersion," a new way of communicating
(ANS - Rome) - The publication of the series of articles by Fr. Gildasio Mendes, General Councilor for Social Communication, on the theme "Don Bosco and digital and virtual reality" continues. In the contribution proposed today, the Feast Day of St. Francis de Sales, the focus is on the Valdocco Oratory: virtual reality and "immersion," a new way of communicating.
(ANS - Rome) - The influence of St. Francis de Sales on Don Bosco was also manifested in the Youth Saint's great passion for communication. He expressed it with the means of his times, but in all its forms, developing it from beginning to end: from the elaboration of texts to their printing and dissemination. All and always to spread the Good News and work in the service of youth.
(ANS - Rome) - Among the oldest films on the life of St. John Bosco is Goffredo Alessandrini's 1935 work entitled "Don Bosco." Starring Gian Paolo Rosmino as the Saint of the Young, and with Maria Vincenza Stiffi as Mamma Margherita, the film narrates the life of Don Bosco, from his birth to his canonization in 1934. Also appearing in the film are: Roberto Pasetti, Ferdinando Mayer, Vittorio Vaser, and Felice Minotti.