Quito, Ecuador - October 1957 - The Salesian school "Cardenal Spellman" was founded on 1 October 1957. The institute was born on the initiative of the then Archbishop of Quito, Cardinal Carlos María De la Torre, who, together with Msgr. Cándido Rada, SDB, managed the project and got in touch with Cardinal Francis Spellman, then archbishop of New York; the latter made available the resources to carry out the work, why, as a token of gratitude, the institute took his name. Subsequently, the school changed its seat, passing from the district of Girón to Cumbayá; in 2000, it officially became the "Cardinal Spellman Salesian Educational Unit."
Los Guaicas, Venezuela - February 1960 - One of Venezuela's great missionary figures is Fr Luigi Cocco, who since 1951 lived for 23 years in the Amazon missions of Santa María de Los Guaicas. Studying their customs and traditions, he offered people human and evangelizing promotion with great depth and respect for the local culture. In the picture, Fr Cocco appears with some signs of thanks addressed to Fiat, Italy, for the gift of a tractor.
Island Dawson, Chile - 1911 - Fr Maggiorino Borgatello (1857-1929) and several Salesians pose for the souvenir photo with a group of indigenous children of the school in front of the Candelaria mission. Fr Borgatello sent unique pieces to the "Ethnographic Missionary Museum" of Turin, Italy.
Turin, Italy - January 29, 1886 - On January 29, 1886, on the occasion of the feast of Saint Francis of Sales, a new chapel was inaugurated in the room next to that of Don Bosco. In this untitled and nameless chapel, the Saint of Youth celebrated his last Mass, at the beginning of December 1887.