Turin, Italy - It has been written, and it is absolute truth, that Don Bosco never stopped confessing, even when he was sick, and still a few months before he died he continued to do so. His great joy was that his children were “in the grace of God”. All the boys wanted to confess to Don Bosco and the reason is visible in this, the most beautiful photo for Don Bosco, the one where he shows his identity as a priest. He has a serene face, an attentive gaze, a paternal attitude. In this circumstance, he was confessing the one who will be his second successor at the head of the Congregation: Paolo Albera. The photo was taken by Francesco Serra, with the title “Don Bosco who confesses”, in Turin, in 1861.
Turin, Italy - This photograph has a mysterious history and it is not known with certainty how it was taken, in what year and who was present. It is known that it was published in 1929 by Fr F. Giraudi with the caption: "Don Bosco in the midst of a group of young people from the oratory". It seems to have been taken in 1861 by the photographer Francesco Serra. It was defined as the most "emotionally moving" photo because Don Bosco is at the center of the photo, surrounded by his boys. The saint's face shows pride for his young people, the satisfaction of being among them and a totally joyful and spontaneous attitude.
Turin, Italy - From the first photo of Don Bosco taken in 1861 to the last taken in 1887, the Saint's hands are the ones that performed miracles for young people. As a child he learned to work in the fields, to be a shoemaker, a baker, a tailor, a writer ... But as a priest with his own hands he blessed, encouraged and accompanied the young people and his Salesians.
Smiling, thoughtful, tired, focused, happy ... This was Don Bosco's face. His face was the most faithful expression of his heart. His face spoke. His face communicated every phase of his life, every time he was photographed in France, Spain or Italy. His face spoke of the Saint's passion for young people.