Rome, Italy - On September 12, 1952, the first stone of the new building was set by the cardinal vicar Clemente Micara, but the actual works began about a year later, in an area which saw much urban growth starting from the Quadraro along the Tuscolana road up to the Cinecittà film studios. Thus in the early fifties the intensive district of Don Bosco was born, established indeed with the promotion of the Salesians around the homonymous Basilica, inaugurated in 1959. The day following the consecration, May 3, Pope John XXIII came to visit the new church to pray in front of the tomb of the Turin saint to whom the sacred building was dedicated and whose relic, for the occasion, had been transferred from Turin to Rome.

Niterói, Brazil - 1890 - On the evening of July 14, 1883, the first Salesians arrived in Niterói, the state of Rio de Janeiro, to begin Don Bosco's work in Brazil. They began with a small school and a small number of students - 10, according to reports. As in many beginnings, here too everything was precarious, except the will to serve God through the education of young people. But over the years, students and activities increased: in the photo, together with the Sons of Don Bosco, the students of the "Santa Rosa" Institute of Niterói of the year 1890 are represented.

Bova, Italy - 1933 - Mons. Giuseppe Cognata on pastoral visit to the Diocese of Bova (Reggio Calabria). The photo was taken during his early years at the Episcopate in Bova (1933-1939). Entering the diocese in June 1933, Monsignor Cognata - who had chosen the Pauline expression "Caritas Christi urget nos" as his episcopal motto - wanted to visit not only all the villages of the diocese, but also the groups of poor families scattered here and there in the more remote and inaccessible places.

Castelnuovo Don Bosco, Italy - 1960 - An emblematic photo that is part of Salesian history: six blood brothers, of the Tardivo Ghibaudo family, all Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB), in 1960 they took a photo with their mother Maria Ghibaudo, in front the house of Don Bosco, in the locality of "I Becchi". The six brothers are: Agostino, who belonged to the Province of the Middle East (MOR), Giovanni, to the Province of Central America (CAM), Giuseppe, to Chile (CIL), Michele (CAM), Pietro, to the then Argentina-Buenos Aires (ABA) Province, and Severino, the only one still living, belonging to CIL. In addition to their all being Salesians, to make this family even more beautiful is that everyone was also a missionary.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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