Araimiri, Papua New Guinea - June 1980 - On June 12, 1980, the locality of Araimiri, in Papua New Guinea, welcomed the first Salesian missionaries to arrive in the country. It was the beginning of a new work of education and evangelization, carried out by the Salesians of Don Bosco together with many volunteers from different countries. Over the years, this seed has blossomed and has given way to new presences, so much so that on December 23, 2015, the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, erected the "Blessed Philip Rinaldi" Vice Province of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands (PGS), based in Port Moresby-Boroko East.

Rome, Italy - May 1887 - On 14 May 1887 the consecration of the "Sacred Heart" took place, by the Cardinal Vicar of Rome, Mons. Lucido Maria Parrocchi, and with the presence of St John Bosco.

Turin, Italy - November 1938 - The altar dedicated to Mother Mazzarello is located in the Basilica of Maria Ausiliatrice in Turin. On November 20, 1938, the Saint's body was placed in the place where it is still located today. The altar is the work of the architect G. Valotti and the painting is the work of the painter Crida. Under the altar is the bronze urn containing the mortal remains of Mother Mazzarello. "The altar - writes F. Giraudo - is an artistic exhibition of marbles, paintings and decorations in gold and bronze in homage to a great Saint."

South Orange, United States - 1961 - Youth meeting with the participation of over 4,500 members of the "Domenico Savio" Clubs from various Catholic centers in the United States meeting with their leaders at the Catholic University of Seton Hall.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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