Bahía Blanca, Argentina – August 2016 – In the weekend of August 6-7, about 80 animators of SDB and FMA Oratories participated in a workshop on the dynamics of the oratory.
Vaimbodì, Spain – August 2016 – the youth of SYM/MGS of Spain spent a week in the monastery of Santa Maria de Poblet, one of the most important of Europe, to meditate on their personal plan of life, after the spirituality and the examples of Don Bosco.
Parakou, Benin – August 6th, 2016 – Through the imposition of hands and the consecratory prayer of Msgr. Pascal N’Koue, Archbishop of Parakou, on August 6th there was the priestly ordination of Salesian confrère Karl Roger Ogoushina Gongo. Together with him, three more religious were ordained priests.
Vatican City, Vatican – August 2016 – Among the twelve specialists appointed by Pope Francis to create the Commission for the Study of the Diaconate of Women, there is also Salesian confrère Fr. Aimable Musoni, S.D.B., Professor of Ecclesiology at the Salesian Pontifical University in Rome, former Consultor for the Congregation of Saints and expert at the Synod of Bishops of Africa and at the Synod of Bishops on the Family in 2015.