Some 50 clergy concelebrated, including cardinals, bishops and priests. There were several members of the Salesian Family, in particular confreres from Headquarters, from the Pontifical Salesian University, the Vatican community; numerous Daughters of Mary Help of Christians with Mother General Sister Chiara Cazzuola. The liturgy was animated by the theology students from the Zeffirino Namuncurà Community.
In his homily, the cardinal dean retraced the main stages of the life of Cardinal Amato, up to the last years marked by suffering. Cardinal Re recalled that Amato was dean of Christology at the Theological Faculty of the Pontifical Salesian University, of which he became vice-rector in 1997, and that in 1999 St John Paul II entrusted him with the "refoundation" of the Pontifical Academy of Theology, appointing him secretary. Appointed Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in December 2002, he received episcopal consecration on 6 January 2003 by Pope John Paul. On that occasion he chose the words "Sufficit gratia mea" as his episcopal motto, Benedict XVI appointed him Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in July 2008; Pope Benedict XVI created him a cardinal in 2010.Cardinal Angelo Amato "stood out for his great theological preparation and firmness of doctrine", but also for qualities such as "wisdom and energy", as well as being a man "rich in faith and humanity", open to dialogue and endowed with an innate positivity towards life and its circumstances. Quality rendered at the service of others through publications, conferences and cultural meetings. "His personality, one of genuine spirituality, learned at the school of Don Bosco, and his gentle approach, gave him the respect for which he was highly appreciated by all. His main gift, however, was being a man of faith." He concluded by saying: "We thank the Lord for the good that Cardinal Amato sowed. We accompany him with fraternal affection, entrusting him to the paternal goodness of God. (…) May the Lord, in his mercy, welcome him and give him the reward he deserves with his long life lived in the teaching of theology, in the service of the Church and in his commitment to the good of souls."
The same feeling of gratitude is felt by the Salesian Family as it recalls Cardinal Angelo Amato who, on 24 November 2012 in Macas, Ecuador, presided over the rite of beatification of Sister Maria Troncatti, on 19 October 2013 as also of Salesian Brother Stefano Sandor in Budapest and on 30 September 2017 Tito Zeman in Bratislava.