(ANS - Rome) - Among the newcomers to the General Council is Fr Roman Jachimowicz. Fifty-three, from Poland, he comes to ANS readers today to answer a few simple questions.
(ANS – Rome) – Fr. Ivo Coelho, General Councilor for Formation presents in a short 3-minute video the animation material offered to the Salesian communities and all confreres, to accompany the reading and community sharing on the "Animating and governing of the community - The ministry of the Salesian Rector”.
(ANS - Rome) - Pope Francis really wanted to be present at the 28th General Chapter of the Salesians in Turin-Valdocco, the house where Don Bosco knew how to create a real school of holiness. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, it was not possible for him to do so, but the Holy Father made himself present anyway with a letter written in his own hand to the Salesians, as a sign of closeness, affection and gratitude for the formation received. Here are 10 sentences that still resonate as programmatic of that letter of his called "The Valdocco option".
(ANS - Rome) - The 28th General Chapter has profoundly renewed the General Council of the Salesian Congregation. For this reason, today we begin, with Fr Biju Michael, Regional Councilor for South Asia, a series of interviews designed to get to know the new Councilors who assist the Rector Major in the animation and government of the Congregation a little better.
(ANS - Rome) - The problems experienced and still alive in many countries around the globe due to the Covid-19 pandemic have not stopped Salesian communication. Indeed, since "communicating is reinventing, it is creating new and surprising languages", the difficulties have become opportunities to go deeper and find new meanings and new ways to communicate - that is, to love - and to do it in a Salesian style. Here is the reflection on the theme of the General Councilor for Social Communication, Fr Gildásio Mendes dos Santos.
(ANS - Rome) - The new app "Salesians@prayer" is already available in 8 languages - French, UK English, US English, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, and Latin American Spanish; only Brazilian Portuguese is missing and will be made available as soon as possible. The app is a tool that puts all the prayers that the Salesians pray throughout the day at special weekly, monthly and during liturgical times at the disposal of communities and confreres.
RMG - Preparation, objectives, challenges and perspectives of GC29: in dialogue with the Moderator, Fr Alphonse Owoudou
(ANS - RMG) - Just a few days before the beginning of the 29th General Chapter (GC29) of the Salesian Congregation, Fr Alphonse Owoudou, Councillor for the Africa-Madagascar Region and Moderator of GC29, recounts in detail, through an articulate interview, the work preceding and underlying this responsibility, indicating the spirit that will animate it and the attitudes and conditions to make it truly a Cenacle in which the Holy Spirit can act, for the benefit of the Congregation, the Salesian mission and the youth of the world.
RMG – Don Bosco: “The Fascinating Saint”
(ANS - Rome) - Don Bosco is perhaps the most amazing and fascinating saint, history has ever produced. The humble work which he began for the welfare of his poor and abandoned boys in Italy has produced astonishing results, and today there are nearly 14000 Salesians working in 138 countries, and there are more than 200,000 members belonging to the 32 groups of the worldwide Salesian Family sharing the charism of Don Bosco and reaching out to the needy young people.
Spain – 33rd Edition of the Edebé Prize for Children's and Young Adult Literature: Here Are the Winners
(ANS – Madrid) – The 33rd edition of the Edebé Prize for Children's and Young Adult Literature has been awarded to Beatriz Giménez de Ory (Madrid, 1972) for her novel Tres niños tristes y medio unicornio (Three Sad Children and Half a Unicorn) and David Lozano (Zaragoza, 1974) for his novel La cacería (The Hunt).
United States – CATHOLIC WORLD DAY OF THE SICK: Salesian Missions highlights medical programs for people in need around the globe
(ANS – New Rochelle) – Salesian Missions, the U.S. development arm of the Salesians of Don Bosco, joins Catholic organizations around the globe in honoring the Catholic World Day of the Sick. Every year on Feb. 11, the Pope marks the day with a special message calling for spiritual and physical closeness to all those who are ill. Saint John Paul II instituted the day “to encourage the people of God, Catholic health institutions and civil society to be increasingly attentive to the sick and to those who care for them.”
During this Jubilee year, in this difficult world, we are invited to rise up, set out again, and, in newness of life, make our journey as human beings and believers.