Catania, Italy – September 2024 - On 1 September, the Assembly for the start of the pastoral year was held in Catania for all the Educative and Pastoral Communities (EPCs) in the Salesian Province of Sicily (ISI), involving 200 people including SDB, Laity and young people. Fr Alberto Anzalone, Provincial Delegate for Youth Ministry, presented the material published by the Youth Ministry Sector of the Salesian Congregation on the Oratory-Youth Centre. Fr Antonio Lauretta, in charge of the Gela Youth Centre Oratory, presented the educative and pastoral proposal through the experience of Fr Elio Cesari, Director of the National Centre and Secretary of the CISI, and the Cannizzaro family, Roberto and Giulia, Salesian Cooperators and educators of the lay-run St Philip Neri Oratory. In the afternoon, after discussion of the various EPC Councils on the educative and pastoral model of the OCG, the Councillor for Youth Ministry of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in Sicily, Sr. Maria Grazia Tripi, presented the pastoral proposal of Salesian Italy for the new year: "Awaited by his Love. Joyful in Hope”. At the end, Fr Franco Di Natale, Vice-Provincial, presented the programming sheet for Formation and YM. Finally, 4 young people who participated in the Salesian Youth Synod, recounted their experience in the SYM, expressing a great sense of belonging to the Movement which in 2025 will be celebrating fifty years in Sicily since its foundation. The day ended with Holy Mass celebrated by the Provincial, Fr Giovanni D’Andrea.
(ANS – Rome) – For twenty years the Salesian work in El Houssoun, on the Lebanese mountain, has been animated by groups of Salesian Cooperators and young volunteers from the Latin or Maronite rite, who offer humanitarian assistance together with various educational and pastoral activities, throughout the year and in particular in summer, to thousands of young people, both Lebanese residents and Syrian and Iraqi refugees, Christians and Muslims. Over these years they have been accompanied by the Salesians of Don Bosco on their journey of Christian and Salesian formation, from one generation to the next, thus becoming part of the Salesian Family.
Turin, Italy – August 2024 - From 19 to 28 August, leaders and altar servers from Suwalki, which includes the oratory, youth centre and parish, and which belongs to the Province of Warsaw, Poland (PLE), travelled to Italy to visit the places of Don Bosco in Turin, and other cities such as Venice, Milan and Padua. The young people were led by the parish priest, Fr Marek Gryn, by the head of the Oratory, Fr Michele Słojewskie and by the man in charge of the altar servers, Fr Aleksandro Mastalerz. After the cultural visits to Venice and Milan, the group arrived in Turin where they visited the Pinardi house, the first Salesian oratory in Valdocco, the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians, the church of San Francis de Sales and celebrated Mass in the house where Don Bosco died. In Turin, the group also had the opportunity to visit the historic centre and pray before the Holy Shroud. At the Becchi, on Colle Don Bosco, the young people learned about the conditions in which the young John Bosco grew up, where he worked hard and where his vocation matured; they also visited the house where Dominic Savio lived. The group also visited the city of Padua.
Treviglio, Italy – 24 August 2024 - All the Salesians convened at the House of Treviglio for the annual assembly of the Lombard-Emilian Province (ILE), met to open the 2024-25 pastoral year, characterised by the national pastoral theme, "Awaited by his love - Joyful in hope", and the central event for the entire Holy Church, the ordinary Jubilee called by Pope Francis with the bull "Spes Non Confundit" and focused on the theme of hope. The opening retreat was led by Luciano Manicardi (Bose Community), who guided the reflection on the theme of the diaconate of hope, on how to arouse hope and how to account for it. After the initial conference, the traditional Eucharistic celebration was held at the city Shrine of Our Lady of Tears, which has just celebrated the fifth centenary of the miracle. In the afternoon, Fr Roberto Dal Molin, Superior of the ILE Province, commented on the letter drawn up by the Rector Major at the end of the canonical visitation and also announced the implementation of some choices in line with both the indications given by the Rector Major and those taken from the last Provincial Chapters. In particular, the strengthening of Social Communications in synergy with the Youth Ministry offices was highlighted.
(ANS – Turin) – The World Presidency of the Past Pupils Don Bosco has convened the Extraordinary World Assembly of Past Pupils whose theme is "Walking together: Changing to continue" to take place from 2 to 6 October in Valdocoo, Turin at the Salesian Mother House. An event attended by 200 delegates from 40 countries representing Asia, Africa, America, Europe, Australia.
(ANS – San Giovanni Rotondo) – From 30 August to 1 September, the Youth Pastoral Conference of the Province of Southern Italy will mark the beginning of the new pastoral year 2024-25, which will be inspired by the SYM Proposal "Awaited by his love. Joyful in Hope" and to the upcoming Church and Salesian events such as the Jubilee and the 150th anniversary of the first Salesian mission.
Chile – Former Salesian student in the fight against Alzheimer's disease
(ANS - Santiago) - Dr Nibaldo Inestrosa, graduate of the Salesian Institute in Valdivia and national prize of Natural Sciences winner, is a pioneer and expert in the study of Alzheimer's disease in the country. In this interview, he offers an insight into the current challenges, but not before reflecting on his formative experience at the Salesian Institute in Valdivia and how this influenced his interest in biology and science.
Myanmar – Tragedy of Innocent Children in the midst of Armed Conflicts
(ANS – Naypyidaw) - Myanmar finds itself immersed in profound grief and anguish as innocent lives, particularly those of children, continue to be mercilessly lost in the enduring armed conflicts. Families are left devastated by the tragic loss of their loved ones while the relentless violence shows no signs of abating. This week, a heartfelt plea from Myanmar reached our community, shedding light on the heart-wrenching death of a young girl Juliet in a military airstrike, prompting a unified call for prayers and action.
Italy – On-Line Course on Integral Ecology 2025: An Initiative of the Alliance for the Care of Our Common Home (Pontifical Universities & Atheneums of Rome)
(ANS – Rome) – 2025 marks the tenth anniversary of Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ landmark encyclical letter on the Care for Our Common Home, in which he invited all people of good to “a new dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet” (Laudato Si’, 14). However, as Pope Francis recognizes in Laudate Deum, the apostolic exhortation published on 4th October 2023, “our responses have not been adequate” and “the world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point.” (Laudate Deum, 2).
RMG - St. Francis de Sales Communicator: All for Love
(ANS – Rome) - The figure of St. Francis de Sales, chosen by Don Bosco as an example of a communicator, teaches that communication is a matter of the heart. In his expression, "Everything in the Church is love: everything lives in love, for love, and of love," we understand his revolution in the way of communicating, and how communication becomes fruitful when it allows communion and the exchange of one's experiences in a path of accompaniment and collaboration in God's project.
Fr Stefano Martoglio, SDBThe beginning of the new year is illuminated in our liturgy by the ancient formula with which the Israelite priests blessed the people: "May the Lord bless you, and keep you. May the Lord show His face to you, and have mercy on you. May the Lord turn His countenance to you, and give you peace."