Ostrzeszów, Poland – 1933 – Don Bosco was beatified in 1929. The Salesians of Poland ran a House for the children of Ostrzeszów and in 1933, one year before the canonization of Don Bosco, they received the relics of Blessed Giovanni Bosco. On that occasion, many activities were organised, and among them there was also the rehearsal of the polyphonic choir so as to offer a proper welcome to the relics of the Saint of the Youth.

Belgian Congo, Africa - 1930 - The Belgian Congo was the name of the territory in Africa administered by  the Kingdom of Belgium between 1908 and 30 June 1960, independence day, when the country became known as the Democratic Republic of Congo. At "Elisabethville", there was the ''Institute of St. Francis de Sales", where the Salesians ran one of their first educational works. The photo shows students of the Salesian School going home by bicycle.

Lima, Peru - 30 November 1933 - A photograph given as a gift, on which is written "with great respect and filial affection I offer this small gift to the Rector Major, our beloved Father Peter Ricaldone". The text then continues: "from his obedient son in Jesus Christ, Fr John Jeffter". In the picture can be seen the playground of the oratory of St. Rose of Lima, full of boys.

Bahia San Sebastian, Argentina - 1893 - The Bay of San Sebastian is located in the north of the Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, on the coast of the Argentine Sea in the Atlantic Ocean. The first photographs of the first Salesians in Tierra del Fuego in the midst of people,  living in temporary tents for the pastoral visits.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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