Castelnuovo Don Bosco, Italy - 1815 - This is the famous home of I Becchi, the rural home of the Bosco Occhiena family, a modest home, but one they owned. On the lower floor, the kitchen and next to it a stable for cows. Above, two rooms and a small window. There was poverty, but not misery.
Castelnuovo Don Bosco, Italy - On this work table, Mamma Margherita kneaded the flour, her hands preparing the bread that nourished Giovannino's rustic childhood.
Castelnuovo Don Bosco, Italy - 1815 - Two straw mattresses, four whitewashed walls, a small window, a small bench and a crucifix. A room poorer than what they will later have from the Moglia family. This is where, in the burgh of I Becchi, the three Bosco brothers slept side by side: Giovanni, Giuseppe and Antonio.
Capriglio, Italy - 1812 - House of the Occhiena family in Capriglio, a small town in Piedmont. Margherita Occhiena was born in that house on April 1, 1788, and stayed there until 1812, when she married Francesco Bosco.