(ANS – Los Angeles) – Two years ago, the Salesian Family Youth Center (SFYC) embarked on a journey that initially filled its team with apprehension: organizing a Gala. In 2023, the inaugural Salesian Family Youth Center Gala aimed to bring together friends of Salesian centers without losing funds critical to supporting the children they serve.

(ANS - Namugongo) – Students attending Don Bosco Primary School, part of Don Bosco Children and Life Mission (Don Bosco CALM), in Namugongo, northeast of Kampala, Uganda, received new school uniforms, sports uniforms and school supplies thanks to donor funding from Salesian Missions, the U.S. development arm of the Salesians of Don Bosco.

(ANS) – 2nd March 2024 will be a day to remember for the members of BOSCOM (Salesian Media Network of South Asia) as it marked the launching of its new initiative the “Luminata” project. There were over 60 participants present online from across South Asia consisting of Salesian Social Communication delegates of provinces, members of the Provincial Social Communication Commission, FMA and other Salesian family of Media Animators and various Lay members involved in the media ministry.

(ANS – Modica) – After a whole week of events involving the diocese of Noto, citizens in Modica and the local Salesian Family, on Saturday 2 March, the 17th anniversary of the death of Nino Baglieri, Volunteer with Don Bosco (CDB), a Eucharistic concelebration in memory of the Servant of God took place at the Mary Help of Christians parish in Modica.

(ANS – Turin) – The Salesian Family and all those who in Turin and not only deal with youth in difficulty are in mourning: Fr Domenico Ricca died on Saturday 2 March at the age of 77, a Salesian since 1964 and a priest since 1975 and historical chaplain of the Turin juvenile prison "Ferrante Aporti" since 1979.

(ANS – Dili) – The Regional Councillor for East Asia-Oceania Region, Father Joseph Nguyen Phuoc, SDB, representing the Rector-Major, is carrying out the Extraordinary Visitation to Timor Leste Vice-Province of Saint Callistus Caravario.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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