(ANS - Guadalajara) - The Gospel tells us that a leper once approached Jesus and pleaded on his knees: "If you want to, you can heal me." Jesus felt compassion, put forth his hand and touched him, saying, "I want to!" (cf. Mk 1, 40). Often we would like to do today as Jesus did: "Are you hungry? Here is some food!" "Are you thirsty? Drink this!" But you may ask, where will we get what it takes to feed the hungry and clothe the poor, if we have not got it? The answer comes from a group of teenagers who were moved by the words of Pope Francis and decided to do a work of mercy.
(ANS - Freetown) - Here is a story of life and faith that deserves to be shared in this year of mercy. It is best to start with a few lines of St. Teresa of Avila, mystic and Doctor of the Church: "God has no body on earth but yours. He has no hands but yours. He has no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which the compassion of God looks at the world. Yours are the feet with which he walks when he goes out to do good. Yours are the hands he uses now to bless us."
(ANS - Delhi) – On New Year’s Eve, while he was stopped on a road through a rundown area of Palam in Delhi, the Salesian Fr Thomas Koshy noticed a little girl playing with some coins and then running as soon as the traffic light turned red. As he watched he noticed that there were many other children begging at the traffic lights. That was how his friendship with the street children started.
(ANS - Rome) - During the summer session of the General Council in 2016 time was given to a brief reflection on the Salesian Brother, based also on current statistics of the Congregation. In all the rich discussion one contribution shines out - a brief and passionate contribution by the only Salesian Brother in the General Council: Jean Paul Muller, Economer General.