(ANS - Rome) - According to the latest "Save the Children" report more than a million children in Italy live in absolute poverty. Closely related to this is the issue of educational poverty, the fact that "children and adolescents are deprived of the opportunity to learn, experiment, and develop their skills, talents and aspirations." In fact, the regions that offer the lowest level of educational services to children correspond with those where there is the highest rate of poverty.
(ANS - Rome) - A strong link between theory and practice was the hallmark of his study; recalling the origins and at the same time showing the present day relevance of the preventive system, capable of meeting the demands and challenges of the contemporary world. These are the two fundamental pillars of the "life of study at the service of youth" of Fr Pater Braido SDB. This was the main finding of a study seminar dedicated to him at the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS) in Rome, on the occasion of the second anniversary of his death (11 November 2014).
(ANS - Rome) – In 1927 Pius XI proclaimed St Therese of Lisieux, a cloistered nun who died at the age of 24 after 9 years in a convent, Patroness of the Missions. "In the supernatural economy of grace, prayer and suffering are worth as much for the salvation of humanity as the work of those who toil away in difficult regions and among hostile peoples to proclaim the Good News of Jesus the Saviour." So commented Fr Piero Gheddo, one the most famous living missionaries. For this reason, also the Councillor General for the Salesian Missions, Fr Guillermo Basañes, has sent a letter to the sick and elderly confreres and those who for various reasons are unable to engage in direct educational and pastoral action.
(ANS - Bujumbura) – If you live in some prats of the world it is not easy to protect a twelve-year-old child and enable her to grow up, without deep wounds and trauma. This story comes from Buterere, a suburb of Bujumbura. It is a true story, told by one who witnessed it.