(ANS - Tirana) - “What is happening in Albania,” said Pope Francis in Tirana in September 2014, “shows that peaceful and fruitful coexistence between people and communities belonging to different religions is not only desirable but concretely possible.” In preserving and enhancing the values of respect and common commitment to the promotion of human beings, school plays an irreplaceable role. Today, Tirana's great "Don Bosco Center", attended by over 1000 Catholic, Orthodox, and Muslim children and teens, is a happy example.
(ANS - Montevideo) - "It's worth it" is the name of a program that started five months ago. Conducted by a group of young communicators of Salesian inspiration, the program is on the radio frequencies of the Montevideo Archdiocese station: Radio Oriental 770 AM.
(ANS – Korr) – Korr is a desolate desert in the northern frontier district of Kenya. The people are nomadic herdsmen whose lives revolve around water. They keep moving in a never-ending search for water and vegetation. The Salesian Mission of Korr, in the Kaisut Desert, was established in 1980. Since then the sons of Don Bosco have been working with relentless zeal to uplift the people, especially those of the Sambru and Rendire tribes. The challenges are many and complex and the missionaries are faced with emergencies every day.
(ANS - Buenos Aires) - Is there a proper or preferable attitude on the part of parents in the education of their children? In Amoris Laetitia, Pope Francis says: "The family cannot give up being a place of support, accompaniment, guidance, even if it has to reinvent its methods and find new resources (...). Abandonment will never do good (...). However, obsession is not educational (...). That is to say, one ought to generate processes rather than dominating spaces. If a parent is obsessed with knowing where his child is and checking all their movements, they will only be trying to dominate his or her space. In this way a parent does not educate the child. "(No. 260-261)