(ANS - Abuja) – For years Nigeria has been the scene of clashes and combat. According to the Foundation "Aid to the Church in Need", based on international analysis, religious clashes have caused over 20,000 deaths, more than two million refugees, millions of people dependent on humanitarian aid, with thousands of women and young people kidnapped, enslaved or forcibly recruited for military and terrorist attacks. Conflicts have been tearing apart this West African country for far too long, where every ordinary citizen seek nothing but peace.
(ANS - Brazzaville) - The Republic of Congo was, until its independence in 1960, the ancient colony of the French Congo. Today it is a small country in central Africa with about 6 million inhabitants, mainly located along the Congo river and on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. It is a country, like its almost homonymous neighbor - the Democratic Republic of the Congo - with many young people and a great deal of poverty. It is therefore a country in which the spiritual Sons of Don Bosco cannot but be present.
(ANS - Buenos Aires) - From a photographic reproduction of an original manuscript found in the Salesian Archive of Buenos Aires, the researchers of the Research Institute on Cultural Diversity and the Processes of Change (Iidypca), María Andrea Nicoletti, of the National Council for the Scientific and Technical Research (Conicet), and Marisa Malvestitti of the National University of the Río Negro (UNRN), have re-evaluated the contribution given by Sr. Rosa Gutiérrez, Chilean nun of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, to the Mission of Our Lady of Candelaria in Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuego, built in the years 1895-1904.
(ANS - Rome) - Under the painting of the Sacred Heart, in the center of the Basilica built by Don Bosco in its honor in Rome, there is a double portrait. The first is dedicated to St. Francis de Sales, the second to St. Marguerite-Marie Alacoque, from whom devotion to the Sacred Heart began, after the revelations she received from December 1673. Francis de Sales had founded with Saint Jeanne-Françoise de Chantal the Order of the Visitation, to which Marguerite-Marie Alacoque belonged. It is not just a question of historical references.