(ANS – Chennai) – In the second part of his speech on the renewed Rector’s Manual, Fr Ivo Coelho, General Councillor for Formation, illustrates the passage required of each Director - and with him, of each religious community – to be the animator of the entire Educational-Pastoral Community (CEP).
(ANS – Chennai) – The Formation Department has just finished putting the final touches to the revised Rector’s Manual requested by GC27. Like the old one, it will bear the title, The Salesian Rector: A ministry for the animation and governing of the local community. Today we publish the first part of a presentation by Fr Ivo Coelho, General Councillor for Formation.
(ANS - Cordoba) - Argentina, the first destination of Salesian missionaries, is a large, beautiful and varied land. If the area of Buenos Aires hosts numerous works and signs of the Sons of Don Bosco's presence, the seeds tossed in almost 150 years of their presence have also flourished in many ways elsewhere, too.
(ANS - Panama City) - It has oft been said that marriage is a common alliance that should last a lifetime. This is why thousands of people make their vows and decide to get married. But making a marriage work is much more difficult than simply getting married. Thus with time difficulties arise and the lack of formation and openness to God make love and couples break apart. Pope Francis emphasizes: "Marriage is the faithful union of love between a man and a woman, supported by the grace of Christ". Why it is necessary and fundamental to be well formed - an opportunity that "Hogares Don Bosco" in Panama has begun to offer.