(ANS - Buenos Aires) - This is a nice reflection on the vivid memory of the five young Oratorians of Poznan, Poland, and on the celebration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Remembering in this technological time is something difficult, given that Google already has subtracted us this ability to remember. On the other hand, the work of remembrance urges us to recover the Salesian youthful spirituality of five young people who lived following Jesus fully.
(ANS - Rome) - Covid-19 has touched everyone. Even countries that previously seemed less affected by the pandemic are now caught in the grip of the coronavirus. The "Opera Don Bosco" Foundation in Milan has decided to take a look at many situations across the globe, thanks to the constant updating provided by the local Salesian Communities.
(ANS - Cremisan) - In order to restore impetus to the Cremisan house in Israel, the Salesians are organizing a series of activities aimed at involving the local inhabitants, such as mini-training courses related to the cultivation of olives, horticulture, and the construction of hanging gardens, courses created in collaboration with the Palestinian government's Ministry of Agriculture to encourage women's firms and offer tools for organic and sustainable agriculture.
(ANS - Santiago) - "Do you think what is happening with coronavirus in the world will happen here too?" I remember a colleague asked me about it on Friday 13 March 2020. Two days earlier the World Health Organization (WHO) had officially declared a pandemic as cases had already been reported in 114 countries on four continents. The virus was identified as Sars-Cov-2, and its effects are the acute respiratory disease Covid-19.