(ANS – San Francisco) – The "Saint Andrew" Province of the United States West (SUO), which had already issued a statement at the beginning of the month on the episodes of racism in the country, issued a letter on the same topic in recent days, edited by of the Provincial Delegate for Formation. Below is the text of the letter.
(ANS - Vatican City) - The press conference for the presentation of the new Directory for Catechesis prepared by the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization (PCPNE) took place yesterday, June 25, in the "John Paul II" Hall of the Holy See Press Room. For those so dedicated to catechesis, such as the Salesians, the publication of the Directory "can mark a positive provocation, because it allows us to experience the dynamics of the catechetical movement that has always had a significant presence in the life of the Christian community," explained Msgr. Rino Fisichella, President of the PCPNE.
(ANS - Rome) - The problems experienced and still alive in many countries around the globe due to the Covid-19 pandemic have not stopped Salesian communication. Indeed, since "communicating is reinventing, it is creating new and surprising languages", the difficulties have become opportunities to go deeper and find new meanings and new ways to communicate - that is, to love - and to do it in a Salesian style. Here is the reflection on the theme of the General Councilor for Social Communication, Fr Gildásio Mendes dos Santos.
(ANS - Buenos Aires) - We who run, jump, sing and play in their courtyards; we who dream like Don Bosco in favor of young people; we who want to make an oratory in every place we visit. All of us together are invited to celebrate Don Bosco's Past Pupils' Day. Fr Ángel Fernandez Artime invites us: "The education received ... must become a force that stimulates the incidence of the Past Pupil in the world, to transform it and make it more humane."