Estoril, Portugal - 1932 - Salesians Fr José Joaquim Silva (Rector, in the back row) and Fr José da Silva Lucas (Novice Master), pose together with the pupils of the Primary School of the Salesians of Estoril on the day of the opening of the academic year 1932/1933.
Taisha, Ecuador - This picture, depicting a group of young students, is a precious testimony of the Salesian presence in the Amazonian missions (in this case, in the mission of Taisha, in Ecuador). The Salesian mission of Taisha began in 1958, the year in which Fr Luigi Casiraghi, together with a group of Shuar people, crossed the Kutukú mountain range in search of a suitable place for the foundation of the Salesian mission that could effectively serve the Shuar people of that area.
Turin, Italy - 1921 - On July 3, 1921, Fr Paul Albera celebrated his last Mass at the Oratorio San Paolo in Turin. In this image, taken from the book "Don Paolo Albera, le petit Don Bosco" by Fr Guido Favini, Fr Albera is portrayed surrounded by the many children and young people of the Oratory.
Barcelona, Spain - 1913 - This photograph, taken in 1913, captures the moment of Fr Paul Albera's visit to the Martí-Codolar family in Barcelona. The image is intended to reproduce the traditional composition of the famous photograph of Don Bosco's visit to this same place in 1886. On the death of Don Bosco, his Successors Frs Michele Rua, Paul Albera and Philip Rinaldi all went to visit this site, respectively in 1899, in 1913 and in 1926. In 1946, the last descendants of the family, donated this family estate to the Salesian Congregation for the affection that bound them to Don Bosco and the Salesians.