Portugal – The Salesian music centre in Lisbon turns thirty

26 June 2024

(ANS – Lisbon) – The "Musicentro", the Salesian music centre in Lisbon, turns thirty. The date was indicated by the Director, Luís Carlos Peleira, in a text published a few days ago by the school itself, to pay tribute to this dream, begun thirty years ago, of a different music school which did not require prerequisites, where everyone found a place and had the right to learn to play and sing, regardless of their skills.

"Thirty years ago, a young music teacher, José Morais, the current Pedagogical Director of the school, began to invite teachers even younger than him into an old refectory, to start realising a dream. The dream of a different music school, a school that did not require prerequisites, where everyone had a place and the right to learn to play and sing, regardless of their skills. A school that met the expectations of those who are traditionally gifted, those who are gifted in their own way and those who at first might not seem so. A school that looked at the artistic potential that every student brings with them.”

Today the "Musicentro" continues to invest in a complete training offer, with different curricula and workloads, in addition to the possibility of free attendance. From beginners to general training, composition, songwriting, music history, lessons to learn to play an instrument, ensemble classes, music production, up to musical theatre, the "Musicentro" is an open school where everyone has a place.

The school is proud of the fact that in its history it has also helped to form several illustrious names in Portuguese music.

Recognising a special talent among students is, for the Director, always a unique moment. "It has been and always is magical, a privilege," he said. "I am sure that the determination and capacity for reinvention that have helped us along the way to date, the continuous commitment to the training of students, will continue to contribute to training great musicians, but also excellent people," he said.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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