Spain – Ready for a new Salesian Summer

26 June 2024

(ANS) – More than 13,000 Spanish children, young people and adolescents are preparing to experience a new Salesian Summer. With the involvement of 2,100 Leaders and Salesians, the many initiatives proposed are already underway. The offer consists of numerous activities, ranging from summer camps, and formation courses. All the activities are made possible thanks to the great work of the Youth Ministry teams in the Salesian Provinces of Spain, and the youth centres. The aim is to offer leisure and free time in settings characterised by the Salesian charism.

Solidarity will also be part of this Salesian Summer, with local and international initiatives. One of the most particular experiences missionary volunteering. It is a proposal for young adults to put their gifts at the service of the Salesian mission, in different parts of the world for a few weeks. To do this, they receive specific preparation in the previous months, which includes meetings and spending time with other volunteers. More than fifty participants in this experience will travel this summer to countries such as Peru, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Bolivia, Angola, Ghana, Togo and Uganda, among others. This activity is organised by the Salesian Provinces in Spain and by bodies such as Misiones Salesianas, Jóvenes y Desarrollo and Bosco Global.

Another highly anticipated event in this Salesian Summer is  "Campobosco", or the traditional pilgrimage to the Salesian places of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello. It will be a unique opportunity for hundreds of young people from Salesian presences in Spain and Portugal to go to the origins of the charism. Scheduled from July 30 to August 8, "Campobosco" will start in Barcelona and continue in Turin and its surroundings.

A few days after "Campobosco", on 11 August, the Salesian Synod of Young People will begin, scheduled at Colle Don Bosco, in Castelnuovo Don Bosco, until 16 August. On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Don Bosco's Dream at Nine Years of age, the Youth Ministry Sector is offering this opportunity to young people around the world to rediscover the meaning of this dream for spirituality, discernment and the realisation of their vocation.

All the summer activities organised by the Salesians of Spain can also be followed on social networks, following the hashtag, in Spanish, #VeranoSalesiano


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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