Mumbai, India – July 4, 2016 – 192 youth from the slums of Mumbai participated in the Career assistance seminar organized by the Don Bosco Development Society (DBDS). The workshop was part of the new project launched by DBDS named “Bosco Plus”, which aims at catering to the youth from the slums of Mumbai in the field of career assistance. The workshop disseminated information on accessing bank loans for students, career discernment, various career options, etc and also initiated the youth into the process of career discernment. The final and the most exciting part of the workshop was the career option fair. In which the students could go to any career desk of their choice and get all the information they needed on that
Asunción, Paraguay – July 2016 - Celebrations in honour of the Sacred Heart at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Asunción ended on Sunday 3 July. The community popularly known as "Salesianito" organized a procession through the streets of the city. The many children and teenagers who brought flags, flowers, banners and red and white scarves helped to create a climate of true Salesian festivity. In addition to the children, their families, teachers, representatives of the Salesian Family of Paraguay and many faithful took part.
Xuan Hiep, Vietnam, 2 July 2016 - Last Saturday morning, eight salesian deacons of VietNam province were ordained to the priesthood through the invocation of the Holy Spirit and the imposition of hands by the Most Reverend Vincent Nguyen Van Ban, Bishop of Ban Me Thuot diocese, at Tam Hai church in Thu Đuc dist., HCMC. Present at the mass were Fr. Joseph Nguyen Van Quang, the provincial, about 130 salesian and diocesan priests, superiors and religious of some congregations, parents of the candidates, their relatives, benefactors, friends and young people in Salesian settings and the faithfuls of Tam Hai parish. The number of the participants was about 1200. In his homily, addressing in a particular way to the priests to be, Bishop Vincent reminded them of the role of a good shepherd: being faithful to the daily prayers to keep an intimate union with God; and keeping the enthusiasm in proclaiming the Word of God to everyone, especially to the youth.
Rome, Italy - July 2016 - To help the confreres to grow as mystics in the Spirit, the 27th General Chapter asked the Rector Major and his Council to see to the update of the manual "In dialogue with the Lord" and the other prayer materials (cf. No. 67.7). To this end there will be a meeting at the Generalate from 8 to 10 July of a team of 13 Salesians: a representative of each Salesian Region, two leaders, and four members of the Department of Formation, led by the Councillor, Fr Ivo Coelho.