Rome, Italy – January 2017 - The Strenna 2017 of the Rector Major “We are Family! Each home a school of life and love”, received a prompt resonance in the two days of January 14th-15th organised by the Office of Youth Ministry of Salesian Central Circumscription ICC – Consultancy of Youth Ministry and Family, chaired over by Fr. Karim Madjidi, ICC Provincial Vicar and coordinated by Fr. Daniele Merlini and Fr. Michelangelo Dessì. 60 parents, some with their children, coming fro local Educative Communities and accompanied by some Salesians, gathered at the “Sacred Heart” in Rome for two days of confrontation, dialogue and study on the theme “Family and Salesian Charism: at the discovery of a shared mission at the service of the young”. Among the speakers there were also Fr. Rossano Sala, Professor of Youth Ministry at the Salesian Pontifical University, and Fr. Flaviano d’Ercoli.

Bari, Italy – January 13th, 2017 – On January 13th, the “Course of Superior Formation on the Theory and Technology of Social Communication” commenced in Bari. This is formative path organised at the Salesian House of “Redentore (Redeemer)” in Bari by the “Don Bosco Today Workshop”, together with the Provincial Library of the Capuchins of “Santa Fara”, under the patronage of the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS), of the Faculty of Theology of Puglia, of the Archdiocese of Bari – Bitonto, of CISM and of Tele Radio Padre Pio. The course comprises five theoretical modules, and a sixth practical one, and will be held in San Giovanni Rotondo, in the headquarters of Tele Radio Padre Pio, from June 30th to July 2nd". For further information refer to informazioni.

Lomé, Togo – January 2017 – On January 14th, in the Parish of Mary Help of Christians in Gbenyedzi there was the day of the presentation to the Salesian Family of Lomé of the Strenna 2017 of the Rector Major on the theme “We are Family! Every Home a School of Life and Love”  . The event was guided by Fr. Jésus-Benoît Badji, Vicar of the Province of West Africa French (AFO).

Concepción, Paraguay – January 2017 – On January 10th in Concepción there was the beginning of the Summer Activities organised by the Salesian Youth Movement. Hundreds of young people participate in these activities.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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