Peru – Meeting of ADMA members: formation, prayer and shared existence
Lima, Peru – April 2024 - A meeting of the members of the Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA) took place for the visit of their World Spiritual Animator, Fr Gabriel Cruz on Saturday 20 April, in the provincial house of the St Rose of Lima Province, Peru (PER). 82 members from centres in Lima and Magdalena del Mar, Breña, Callao, Rimac and Barrios Altos participated, as well as some representatives from the Chosica community, which is about 2 hours from the capital. In addition, several members of the Piura and Huancayo centres joined online during the formation period. During the meeting there was time for formation, prayer and shared existence. The meeting was organised and coordinated by the spiritual animators of ADMA Peru – Sister Raquel Ibañez, FMA and Fr Jozef Kamza, SDB, who is also the PER Vice-Provincial. It should be noted that ADMA in Peru has about 20 centres (between FMA and SDB) that host about 700 people committed to the mission: spreading love for the Blessed Sacrament and Mary Help of Christians.
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