Vietnam – Learning the warmth of human relationships without electricity

(ANS – Ho Chi Minh City) – Ngoc Son is a 24-year-old Catholic who embarked on a voluntary journey within the Salesian project “Heart in Hand”. He had served at the remote village – Ban Toong, in Lao Cai Province, with an extremely difficult economic situation because most of that area is mountains. The road from the town to this village is an adventure ride; there's the cliff to one side and the abyss on the other. It takes around two hours by motorbike and is definitely not recommended for people prone to heart-attacks! Moreover, during bad weather, it's impossible to go along this route and the other way to get to this village is on foot. There are thirty households and they are ethnic H’mong. The simple national identity remains here, local. There is no modern equipment because of no electricity, no gas, not even no clean water but it is full of warm human relationships. Here's how he narrates his experience:

“The children are simple as they could enjoy their life in their way, like hanging around, swimming at streams or singing when they are climbing up the hillside. We struggled with them in communication when trying to explain any academic words. We know that in the short period of time, we cannot help them gain massive knowledge through lessons, but the only thing we believe is through our presence and behaviour, somehow we can be an effect on their perception, helping them to be aware of good manners. We are the young people full of energy and enthusiasm, who spend time to integrate into local life. It seems the perfect way for a missionary volunteer. Giving time, spreading love to others are foremost about service.”

What makes you joyful as a volunteer?

The most incredible joy when I was in the volunteer time is the moment observing the children smiling around me. The children’s smile may be brighter when they seeing a stranger live with them as well as spend time on them without any hesitation.

What was your main challenge as a missionary volunteer?

The biggest challenge which I had to manage is life without electricity. The situation was worse to a municipal boy like me. The only power source relied on the small water generator from in a stream, which always breaks down whenever we have heavy rain. I need to learn how to cook the food by myself and know to adjust the fire to prevent my food being burned or not properly enough cooked.

How does the “Heart in Hand” volunteer experience affect you personally?

This journey impacted me not much. I don’t hope that 1 month to live with the Highland youth could change their life totally but some tiny aspects of their life would be influenced by us. The parents can change their mindset about the educational problem when encouraging their daughters and sons go to school and getting out of the poverty circle. Through that, I am in process to become a better version of myself. I believe that I have the ability to use my knowledge to make impacts on not only for the village where I volunteered but also for my community where I belong to.

What is your message to other youth?

Don Bosco has the greatest passion which I need to learn from. In Don Bosco, I don't feel alone when there are thousands of people who have the same thinking, same doing, being together to give a hand to Don Bosco’s affairs in particular and God’s work in general.

Source: AustraLasia


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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