How are you at the end of this event's journey of preparation?
We find ourselves with many expectations and ready to start the Congress. It was a year of intense preparation to welcome all the participants. I hope you can live it to the fullest and feel at home.
How many people will participate?
The number of participants has grown over the months. To date, 1,200 people from 36 countries have registered. Approximately 400 people from the Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA) will participate directly from Argentina.
The title of the event invites us to reflect on "Mary, a believing woman". Is it a necessity for our time?
Without doubt it is a very current title for these times. One of the bases of our life is faith in God. Mary taught us to believe and trust in a God who loves us. We believe in His Word, we believe in a God who fulfills His love for humanity. Mary invites us to trust fully in God.
This beautiful church has Mary Help of Christians as the main figure and the Mother who spreads her arms ...
This place has a phenomenal architectural beauty, it is the center where the great celebrations take place, like that of May 24, where the whole population approaches to ask a grace from God through Mary Help of Christians. It is also a very special temple because Pope Francis was baptized in this place and he remembers that every 24th of the month he would bring a bouquet of roses to the Help of Christians. This Sanctuary is also a temple that recalls the whole Salesian Family, which unites us under the gaze of Mary our Mother.
What message would you give to all the devotees of Mary Help of Christians?
All persons who have not registered and wish to attend this Marian Congress from home can participate online by entering the Congress page:
We will have many activities that can be attended both in person and through social networks, so there is no reason not to participate.