My childhood, and that of many children and young people in my neighborhood, was transformed thanks to an oratorian atmosphere. It seduced us and shaped us towards joy, life in groups, love for Jesus and the service of others, of the poorest in particular.
That community helped many children like me to continue their studies. Those Salesians made a mark on me to the extent that I wanted to be like them. My willingness to go to Africa, right from the early stages of my training, was spontaneous.
I have faced several challenges in my missionary life. I present you two. The first was illness. My "baptism" by malaria almost killed me in my very first year in the missions of Togo. They saved me through emergency evacuation. That almost ended my missionary life ad gentes. The second challenge was the new Salesian presence in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso. It seemed like my turn to relive what I admired in the Salesians of my childhood. Without economic means, any infrastructure, or even a home of our own ... and with only one companion in my community. The foundations of our community and our work took the form of a spontaneous oratory on the streets, visits to families and Sunday celebrations under the trees.
It took us two years of living there and an analysis of the area to come with a plan for a stable form of ed ucational and pastoral services. Our plan was simple and practical. It was entirely for those simple children and young people.
One of my greatest joys as a missionary was, without a doubt, the beginning of our presence in Ouagadougou. It was very challenging; but, far more than that, it was an immense joy. We could see that we were transmitting a charism through our words, actions and decisions. We were laying the foundation for Don Bosco's work. Besides, it helped me feel very missionary, living and working in an area of first evangelization, among people thirsting for the Gospel, in a country with a significant Christian presence.
My second joy: the years I lived in Mali – 6 years of discovering a phenomenal country that is mostly Muslim, but tolerant of other religions, especially Christianity. Salesian centres are very much appreciated and the Church is highly respected. Many students and collaborators were authentic "Christians by desire" and their integration into Salesian activities was excellent. For me it was a reason to hope for the coexistence of religions. There is a future for the work of the Church and of the Salesians in the Muslim majority countries.
I leave a little thought for the young. I believe that Salesian life is worth it. If we live it with a missionary spirit of joyous dedication, availability and love for the poorest young people, it fills our whole existence.