(ANS – Heverlee) – On April 28th, 2021, 20 educators and teachers from the Don Bosco community from Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and Belgium encountered for an online formation program: “Discovering the power of vulnerability together with young people”. An initiative from “Don Bosco Bildungsforum” (AUS), “Don Bosco Vorming & Animatie” (BEN) and “Jugendpastoralinstitut Don Bosco” (GER).

(ANS - Vatican City) - On Wednesday 28 April, in the Marconi Hall of Vatican Radio, the press conference was held for the presentation of the "Christmas Contest", a music competition sponsored by the Italian Society of Authors and Publishers (SIAE) and promoted by “Missioni Don Bosco” and the Pontifical Gravissimum Educationis Foundation. The initiative, in support of the charity project "Congo is the heart of Africa - help us make it beat", includes a singing competition aimed at young people aged between 16 and 35, called to propose an unpublished song on the Christmas theme, and to compete to perform, together with the great artists of Italian and international music, at the Christmas concert 2021 in the Vatican. The Rector Major of the Salesians, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, also spoke at the press conference.

(ANS - Bukavu) - Since its inception, the "Don Bosco Center" of Bukavu, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, has been interested in children and young people in street situations. Although other realities in this sector have already been operating in the city for some time, the Salesians have felt the responsibility of taking the initiative and organizing a "Forum on the fate of children in street situations: challenges and perspectives", which will be held over the next few days from Thursday 6 to Friday 7 May 2021, at the Archbishopric of Bukavu.

Italy – Focus on Youth Ministry

(ANS - Rome) - Organized by the UPS Institute of Pastoral Theology, on Monday 26 April the round table "Eyes on the Youth Ministry" was held, and saw over 150 people connected online.

(ANS – Nakornpathom) – From 22 to 26 April 2021, the Sisters of the Queenship of Mary held their 6th General Chapter at Baan Phu Waan, Nakornpathom Province, with the theme: “Disciples of Christ - Living New Evangelizers”. 22 members participated in this historic event, representing the various communities. Cardinal Francis Xavier Kriengsak Kovitwanich, Archbishop of Bangkok, also gave testimony of his closeness to the Congregation by visiting the Chapter members on the afternoon of Sunday 25 April.

(ANS – Paris) – In Don Bosco's time, once a school was founded, the main technological challenge consisted in guaranteeing the quality and distribution of printed material. Today the challenge is for every student to have access to a digital learning platform with all the essential features required for high-quality online education. To address this challenge, Don Bosco Intuition Entertainers Media, an international NGO, has been commissioned by the province of FRB, headed by provincial, Daniel Federspiel, to develop several digital solutions. Along with their partner Cagliero Creative Solutions, they have developed CaglieroLMS, a learning management system platform specifically designed for state-of-the-art online education. The presentation of this innovative project is scheduled for next May 1st and will see the participation of the General Councilor for Social Communication, Fr Gildásio Mendes.  

(ANS - Messina) - To deepen and fully understand the repercussions and implications that the new Directory for Catechesis, presented to the universal Church in June 2020, has for those involved in education and evangelization, the Center for Religious Pedagogy (CPR) "Giovanni Crovatta" of Messina, with the Theological Institute "San Tommaso" (ITST) - aggregated to the Faculty of Theology of the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS) - and in collaboration with the Sicilian Regional Presidency of the Italian Catholic Press Union (UCSI ), promotes for next Thursday, April 29 a webinar entitled: "The New Directory for Catechesis and the new evangelization". The General Councilor for Youth Ministry, Fr Miguel Angel García Morcuende, will also participate as a speaker.

(ANS – New York) – “Salesians Missions Inc.” in Collaboration with the NGO Committee on Financing For Development (FfD) once again gave visibility and voice to those at the Grassroots working for Another World That Is Possible. Findings of Survey conducted in seven countries on the status of Social Protection, Financial and Digital Inclusion and Climate Finance before and during COVID-19 era were presented at the side event organized during the FfD Forum 2021.

(ANS - Parañaque City) - Chaired by Msgr. Francesco Panfilo, Salesian Archbishop Emeritus of Rabaul, the solemn Eucharist for the opening of the Holy Door of the Jubilee was celebrated in the National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians in Parañaque City on Sunday, 11 April. Due to the anti-contagion restrictions of Covid-19, only a small number of faithful were able to participate in person in the celebration, which was still touching and emotionally involving, also thanks to the coincidence with the Feast Day of Divine Mercy.

(ANS - Rome) - Day after day, people from all over the world look on at the photos and videos of the brutalities emerging from the streets of Myanmar with horror: large columns of security forces, in full riot gear, surrounding peaceful demonstrators, water cannons fired upon the growing crowd, demonstrators who are beaten ... Young people are the victims of the inhuman violation of democracy.

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ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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