São Paulo, Brazil - November 2016 - From 1 to 5 November, the coordinator for the Salesian Social Communication of Recife, Jakeline Lira, and the coordinator for Communication of the Salesian schools in Salvador, Gigliola Sena, took part in the Fifth Global MIL Week organized by UNESCO for media literacy and information. The event, held for the first time in Latin America, was attended by more than 300 researchers and professors in the field.
Montevideo, Uruguay - November 2016 - On 26 November Cristhian Benito Gómez Báez, SDB, was ordained deacon by the laying on of hands of Cardinal Daniel Fernando Sturla, SDB, Archbishop of Montevideo.
Buenos Aires, Argentina - November 2016 - A book entitled "Church and State in Patagonia. Rethinking the Salesian missions, 1880-1916"was launched in Buenos Aires on 18 November. It is published by Ediciones Don Bosco (Buenos Aires) and Editorial. The work illustrates various aspects of Don Bosco's dream beyond the Italian borders: his apostolic influence in the planning and the practical development of the work of missionaries in 1875 in Patagonia. The publication of the book also marks the launch of the Argentine group of ACSSA (Association of Salesian Historians), formed by several researchers who are studying issues related to evangelization, education, structure, socio-spatial development and other fields of the work of the Salesians and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in Argentina. The texts contained in this book were presented at the Seminar on Salesian History held in Bahia Blanca from 11 to 13 May 2015 to celebrate the bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco. The launch was attended by several authors of the work including Fr Juan V. Picca SDB, María Andrea Nicoletti, Iván Ariel Fresia SDB, and others.
Brasilia, Brazil - November 2016 - Fr Natale Vitali, Councillor for the American South Cone Region, presided at a meeting with nine Provincials of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and six Provincials of the Salesian provinces of Brazil that are part of the Salesian Schools Network (RSE).
Lubumbashi, D.R. Congo - November 2016 - Promo Scolaire was organized by the Salesian Youth Movement of Central Africa to promote the talents of the young. It was attended by students of several schools of Lubumbashi (AFC).
Vatican, Vatican City - November 2016 - Following the publication of the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, Bishop Johan Bonny of Antwerp gave Pope Francis a book written by the bishop himself with the Salesian Fr Roger Burggraeve, Professor Emeritus at the Catholic University of Leuven, and Mrs Ilse Van Halst, Editor of Catholic weekly "Church and life" in Flanders. The book, published in Flemish, is entitled: "Please. Sorry. Thank you. An open dialogue about relationships, marriage and family."